Part 29 - Commotion

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This chapter is dedicated to Alphawolf508 because I am grateful for your support! Check out their story called "I Am The Storm"


"I have been sleeping with Luke since the amazing race. It was his idea and he was the one that wanted to hide it from you."

That was the last thing Tara said before she left the house.

I really did not see that one coming.

Yes I knew about Tara and Luke. I know about everything that happens on this island, but I was certain Tara was going to leave without causing a fuss.

To be honest the team and I were starting to plan how we could get Zoe to find out for another episode but Tara just did it for us.

A big part of me was excited because this was prime television. The viewers were going to go crazy! Yeah, yeah, feelings are going to be hurt but that will only lead to sympathy views from around the world which is a huge bonus for the show!

This was exactly the kind of drama that we were expecting when we brought these teens to the island.

I tried to hide my grimace as I watched to see how the kids would react to this knowledge. Right now everyone was sitting around confused. No one has talked, no one has moved.

I looked over at Zoe who was in complete shock. She was staring at Luke who look mortified.

"She is Lying Zoe. You don't believe that do you baby?" Luke asked as he took a step closer to Zoe. He was trying to play it off cool, but Zoe wasn't buying it.

Zoe took a step away.

"Zoe, you have to believe me!" He said desperately.

"She's not lying." Harlow chimed in.

Zoe turned to look at her. "Tara told me everything. She was telling the truth."

That was all that the house needed to hear before it erupted into chaos.

Zoe took off running out of the house while Harlow and Carter chased after her. Cory looked like she was going to go too but she suddenly had a change of heart.

Cory spun around so that she was facing Luke.

"You!" She said aggressively. She started walking towards him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" She screamed as she pushed Luke as hard as she could.

"Hey chill out!" Luke said as he tried to dodge Cory's shoves that quickly turned into slaps.

"You think you can just screw over my best friend! You fucking pig!" She continued to slap and hit him.

I never expected Cory to react this way. She was usually the problem solver not the fighter.

Asher rushed over and pulled Cory off of Luke. She continued to flail as she tried to break out of Asher's hold.

Luke looked relieved that Asher pulled her off but he wasn't in the clear for long.

Blake came out of nowhere and punched Luke right in the face.

"I'll kill you for hurting Zoe." He threatened.

"Oh please! You're just mad because I can get two girls and you haven't got any." Luke laughed.

"Hey not cool man." Ryan exclaimed. This time it was Ryan pushing Luke.

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