Genius and Madness Are Two Faces of the Same Coin

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"Essentially what you're saying is, all of the Greek stories in the world aren't actually just stories?" I asked in disbelief

"Well I mean, not all of them, just.... well yeah basically all of them." Percy answered

If I was told this a few hours earlier I wouldn't even count to three before labeling him as some lunatic, but the talking statue begged to differ.

"So then what does that have to do with me?" I asked, contemplating whether I even wanted the answer.

"Well, since you were able to stay awake after Morpheus used his spell then we can only assume you're one of us..."

Morpheus? If I recall correct... the god of Sleep. So he was responsible for the masses losing consciousness.

"One of us? As in..."

"A demigod"

The me from the past was correct, I'd rather not have learned this information.

As if taking my silence for confusion, Percy continued "You know? A demigod as in half human - and half god"

No, I understand what it means, I just don't want to believe in it

As if on cue Grover added his own input "Its probably hard to believe, but please look back on your memories man. There's gotta be at least something that seemed off to you, something that'll help you realize what you are"

Was me changing bodies also an effect of being a demigod? Because other than that I can't answer his questions. I don't have any memories of this body from before the transfer.

"Try to remember if something strange happened in your childhood, or at least answer these question. Do you have ADHD? Probably Dyslexia too huh? And sorry to assume this but I bet you only have a single parent right?" Quizzed Percy

Unfortunately for him, only one of those was correct, but this was a good opportunity to test something out.

"I... don't recall anything strange but, to answer all of your questions....yes"

It was an incredibly risky gamble, if they had someone with a power to see through lies then I would've been done for. However, should no one call me out on it would help prove to me that I could get away with it.

"I see, these are all signs of a demigod. Usually demigods don't even make it past their toddler years before being killed by monster, congratulations on making it this far" Percy said

With this, a new weapon was added to my arsenal. Lies

"So then... if I'm a demigod, whose my godly parent?" I asked. I assume he asked me about my parental status because the parent missing would be the God. This means that my father was my godly parent, though I guess I don't know how conceiving a child with a god would work either.... wait..... can a woman and a goddes-

"That's gonna be tough to find out... most people are claimed at camp, and some don't even get claimed for years, or even at all" Grover answered grimly

Camp? There's a camp for this? I'm no expert on such things, but my classmates never recounted tales of going to a camp to be claimed by their godly parent.

Though the other news was a bit annoying , if my godly parent was as much of a deadbeat as my other father was a cruel man then I'd be stuck without an answer for a while.

"Well at the very least, we can try to shorten the list.." Percy said with pity in his voice

"Are you missing a father or a mother?" He continued

"Im currently living with my mother" I answered

"I see, then it must be a male god, while that doesn't completely shorten the list, it's a start"
Grover said

I understood what he meant. To a person who only knew a small bit about Mythology, they may believe that there were only a few option left. What they don't know are the tens - if not - hundreds of different gods. The Olympians weren't the only ones worshipped after all.

"Try to recount some more, it might help"

I'm not sure what to say, I can't come up with a lie as I don't have enough information from this bodies memories to go on. Thankfully, I didn't have to.

"You've got to be kidding me..." Percy said while staring above my head and shaking his head

"I thought that went against his ideals... or does he only plan on claiming 2 children at a time..?" Asked Grover incredulously

Looking around I noticed the other children also staring at me.... no, more specifically, they were looking above me.

Looking up I managed to see a holographic-like emblem above my head. A golden spear tipped with a pine cone and a purple aura shined brightly for all to see.

"I guess without Chiron here, I'll have to do it" Percy said with an embarrassed expression

Slowly he got on one knee, and the rest of the children slowly followed.... wait they were kneeling to me?

"Wine.... Ecstasy.... Fruitfulness... All Hail Michael Hines.... son of the god of Madness" Percy's voice boomed.
Authors Note:
I originally wanted to make Ayanokouji the son of one of the big three, but that'd be pretty cringe. I mean sure, the big three have been breaking their oath a lot, but it's not like they're having children everywhere they go. I decided on Dionysus after a bit of debate.

In other news, last update was at 3 am, it's currently 9-ish and I haven't slept yet. But don't worry, this Chemistry class will do that for me. Cheers! Next chapter should include at least one fight scene.... hopefully

Special thanks to SecondDDD and gyanammodi for the comments, I appreciate the support

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