Chapter 3

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    I put on my Ines Column Dress that I got from Antrhopologie, it was black and it clung to me in all the right places. I put in my flower earrings from Tiffany & Co. which were pure diamonds my grandma had gotten me for Christmas one year. I put on my Last Minute Wedges, also from Antrhoplogie. God, I loved that store and checked my reflection one last time. I looked good, I guessed. My hair was down in waves, falling carelessly, and my make up looked great, since Felecia did it.

“You look great, now stop worrying and go to his house and surprise him,” Felecia said, smiling.

“Thanks, I’m kind of nervous, but that’s normal, right?” I responded, my perfectly shaped brows, since I just got them waxed, pulled together.

“Yes, but I bet he won’t take his eyes off of you! Now, go!” She said, spraying me down in perfume.

  I grabbed my keys and his present, which was his favorite cologne in the world. I closed my bedroom door, and went down stairs and saw my mom.

  “Oh, honey, you look gorgeous,” my mother gushed, hugging me tightly.

  “Thanks, mom,” I said and hugged her back.

  It was my mom’s off week, she was a psychologist so she was non-stop busy. My dad was in London, directing a movie, and he would be back next week.  They both somehow still found a way to still see each other and go out to eat on weekends sometimes, which I found romantic in a silly way. I walked out of my living room, waving goodbye to my mom, and hugged Felecia.

“Don’t worry, everything will go perfect,” she promised and kissed my cheek.

  “I hope so,” I responded.

I saw her get into her car, and blow an air kiss at me, and backed up and drive away. Now it was my turn, I got into my car, an Sports Sedan my dad had gotten for me for my seventeenth birthday. My stomach turned with anxiety, I can do this, I told myself over and over again. I knew where his house was by heart, and before I knew it, I pulled into his driveway. I didn’t have to knock, his parents insisted on me not knocking, since they thought I was apart of their family now. So I walked in, my wedges making clicking noises, and I went to his room. I knocked twice and came in.

I gasped at what I saw. My eyes bulged out of my head, and I felt like I was going to puke. His present dropped on the wooden floor with a loud thud, and my eyes stung with hot tears threatening to spill. My boyfriend was laying on top of this girl, who I seen at school a few times, and they were almost naked. 

“Andyln! It’s not what it-“ He began, his eyes full of fear and his cheeks were bright red.

“Oh my God,” was all I could say to him.

The girl, whose face I recognized very vaguely, her face was also red. Her dark brown hair was spread all over his pillow, just like mine did. Or just like mine used to, now.

“I-I’m sorry…” he said.

“Who is this?” The girl said, oblivious to the fact that I saw her almost butt naked.

“His ex-girlfriend, fuck you!”  I screamed at the top of my lungs, “And it was our anniversary! And you forgot!” My cheeks were bright red, and my heart felt like it was seriously ripping in half.

  I walked out of his bed room, slamming the door shut, not even caring if his parents heard me or not. And not even caring if my wedges made a loud sound, or how loud I slammed the door. I got in my car, then slowly, the tears started to spill. I saw Evan coming outside, putting his shirt on, yelling something . I didn’t listen, I put the car in reverse, backed up, and sped away.

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