Chapter 23

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I heard my alarm go off on my phone, making the dinging noise repeating over, and over. I rolled over and pressed the snooze button, wanting at least ten more minutes. I mentally prepared my outfit in my head, knowing it was turning into winter, so the air would be chilly. I layed in bed, rubbing my eyes and heard my alarm go off again. I clicked it off, and checked my phone.  I had a text from Jade, asking me if I wanted to hangout after school, I thought for a split second if I should and wondered if Jace was doing anything. I hadn’t talked to him since the beach trip yesterday; he drove me back home, going full speed with the windows down and music blaring out of the speakers. He had a big grin on his flawless face, and he looked truly happy, he kissed me again when he dropped me off, and it left me breathless. I got up out of my bed, in a better mood that I thought about it. I texted Jade back, assuring her she can hang at my house after school, and thought about inviting Jace over to meet her.  Would Jace like her? Would she like him? I made my bed and walked over to my closet and began sorting through my clothes, contemplating on what I should wear. I pulled out my white pleated silk blouse from Joie placing it on my bed and paired it with my jeans from True Religion, one of my favorites. I surprisingly didn’t dread school today and hardly paid any attention to Felecia’s warning about me having hell at school. I knew what would happen, she’d call me a whore and spread rumors about me how I stole Jace from her, and then everyone would listen to her.

  I took a quick  shower and began thinking about Felecia, a part of me missed her, and wanted our friendship back, like I missed Evan sometimes and wanted him back, but the more I thought about it, the more I decided Jace was better. I knew Felecia would let a guy come between us, plus she did sleep with my ex over this past summer. Evan was right, she was a whore, and I hated admitting he was right. If she wanted to call me out, she could easily do it, I was the type to sit there and take it. She could call anyone out, making them look like the criminal and herself a hero, but in reality it was always the other way around. I turned the water off, and got out of the shower, with a remaining thirty minutes to get dressed. I saw I had a text from Jade again, confirming that she’ll be over after school; I applied smooth anti-frizz leave in conditioner from Frederic Fekkai in my hair, and applied my make-up. I slipped on my clothes, and found my cute ballet flats from Prada.

   I knew I should take Felecia’s threat seriously, but at the same time I was laughing about it. She’s only met Jace once, and wanted to change him. I liked to think to myself that I saved him from her; she was only going to make transform into something ridiculous, like the guys at the school I go too. I turned into my parking space, seeing Jade pull up right next to me, she had an anxious look on her face, I climbed out of my car grabbing my messenger bag with me.

  “Hey,” she said standing outside my car, her outfit looking adorable.

  “Hey,” I responded beginning to walk to the Science Center.

  “Listen, Felecia texted me this morning and told me something about you,” Jade said, looking in my eyes anxiously.

  “What was it?” My heart pounded in my ears, God knows what it was coming from Felecia.

  “She told me this sob story how she thought Jace was the one for her, and you stole him from her. She started telling me how you’re selfish, you want everything for yourself, and she said Evan told her that you cheated on him, and you made up the whole story of him cheating on you. But I don’t believe that, we had a huge argument, we got into it bad, I’m pretty sure she’s going to talk shit about me too. I don’t care, I know what’s the truth and what isn’t.”

   I wasn’t listening anymore, I walked over to Evan’s car, trying to hold my anger in. He was saying how I was cheating on him? I had a huge adrenaline rush, I could hear my heart thud in my ears, the blood draining out of my face. I saw the back of Evan, which made me walk faster; he was with Ryan and their group of guy friends, who I recognized vaguely.  I poked his back, feeling it still muscular as it always was. He turned around, and I saw his familiar blueish green eyes look at mine, for a moment I couldn’t speak, then I remembered what I was here for.

  “I need to talk to you,” I said loud enough for him to hear, but not for anyone else.

   We walked away from his crowd, and I automatically demanded to know answers, “What is Felecia’s problem? I know you guys hooked up this summer. I know you cheated on me twice, why are you telling her you didn’t? Why are you saying I cheated on you?” I accused him, trying to regain control of my voice, I didn’t want people knowing my business.

  He ran his fingers through his hair, still in need of a dumb trim, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t tell her anything, her and I don’t talk anymore since the day she cussed me out.” I looked in Evan’s eyes, and could see the actual truth in them.

  “What do you mean she cussed you out?” I asked, my eyebrows pulling together in confusion.

  “She called me and yelled at me because you found out she and I, you know,” he said, and looked down in embarrassment.

  A meanness came through me, something I never felt, “Just say it, you cheated on me, twice. I’ve accepted you have, why can’t you? I got over it, I had too.” I did not want to talk about it anymore, I spun on my heel and walked away.

 I saw Jade beside my car still, and I had a big wave of emotion overwhelm me, I began bawling and I felt Jade’s arms wrap around me, comforting me.

  I would survive school today, Felecia would not win.

Freedomजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें