Chapter 28

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                                                         ~Four months later~

    I put my thick envelope into my mailbox, and sighed in relief that it was over. Hopefully no more filling out paperwork and why I want to go to this college or that college. I closed the mailbox and started walking back to my house, thinking about how it will be going to college next fall and thinking how there was no more Jace or Felecia, I never imagined things would be like that, ever.

   Jace and I never did talk again after Thanksgiving, we slowly faded out. I called him the day after that, but there was no answer. I called a week later, still having some hope we can work things out, and missing him so much it hurt. Then it hit me, a person could only do so much before giving up with someone; he literally pushed himself out of my life, and I assumed he wanted it that way. I realized I couldn't waste my life thinking about him, I had to move on, and accept the fact that he wasn't coming back, which was the hardest part that would take a long time to accept.

      I knew I had to move on, I couldn't always want to be with him. Jace taught me a lesson that no one else could teach me. He didn't promise me forever, but he promised me the present, and I accepted that about him, knowing he was imperfect, but loved him anyways.

  And for that I am greatful.

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