Chapter 19

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Andyln’s POV…

  I felt a sob explode out of my chest like a firework. Stupid tears slid down my face and I wiped them away angrily. It was amazing to know that my best friend and my boyfriend hooked up this past summer when I went to Italy. I trusted both of them, I thought they were the ones who weren’t going to ever leave me, but I was wrong. A part of me wasn’t surprised, it was Felecia for God sake, but Evan, I thought he would never do something like that to me.  I sighed in frustration as I heard my phone vibrate on my bed, I answered, not caring who it was or not.

“Hello?” I said, hating how broken my voice sounded.

“Hey,” a familiar deep voice said.

   “What’s up?” I said, acting like everything was normal, acting like he didn’t call or text me for a week.

      “Nothing, I’m sorry I didn’t answer your texts, Starbucks has been asking me to work for them every day last week,” he said as a lame excuse.

   “Or Felecia and you have been hanging out,” I said without emotion in my words.

   “What? She’s been calling me and texting me to hang out, but I never answer her; I’m not sure how she got my number, I think Ryan gave it to her,” he responded.

  It clicked then, like a flash. Felecia hadn’t been hanging out with Jace at all, she lied that she has been, trying to impress everyone, like he was wrapped around her finger. Somehow in my jumble of feelings I felt attracted to Jace in ways I would never know, something about him, which I still didn’t know, attracted me to him. I was still sore on how Felecia and Evan hooked up, but at the same time I was relieved that her and Jace didn’t do anything.

  “Hey…Are you okay?” He asked, worriedly.

   “Uh, not really,” I said honestly, looking in the mirror to see I cried off all my makeup.

“What’s wrong?” He said, I could hear him cranking up his car.

  “Nothing, don’t worry about it,” I replied, trying to act cheerful.

  “I’m coming over,” he responded.

   I didn’t understand my emotions, how could someone be happy and sad at the same time? Did that mean something was wrong with them? Maybe there was something wrong with me. I was relieved that Felecia and him hadn’t been hanging out, while another part of me hurt that I knew my ex- boyfriend and my ex best friend hooked up. Jace made everything better; he soothed me telling me it was going to be okay. I was over Evan, but it hurt to know that he did that to me, twice.

  I pulled my dark blonde hair up in a high bun, not caring what it looked like. I felt terrible, and I might as well look it, too.  I put on my comfortable sweatpants and my favorite tank top. I didn’t think Jace would care what I look like, so I shouldn’t try to dress up for him. I debated on telling him about the situation with Felecia and Evan or not. I didn’t want him to pity me, but at the same time I wanted to tell him. I heard a knock on the door, and I went downstairs to get it. I opened it, and I saw Jace; he looked casual and comfortable. He was wearing dark faded jeans, and beat up Converse and a black shirt.

  “Hey,” he said a half smile on his face.

  “Hey,” I said, suddenly self- conscious, glancing down at my sweatpants.

   “This is the first time I’ve seen you look like you’re not going to see the president,” he said, stepping in my house, looking around in awe.

  “And this is the thousandth time I’ve seen you have that expression on your face when you see my house,” I replied, poking him in the ribs and smiling.

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