Chapter 15

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    “You want to go to Ryan’s party tonight?” Jace asked me, leaning against my car.

       I hesitated, knowing Felecia was going to be there, but I agreed for his benefit. She was probably not drunk, she didn’t like getting drunk in front of people because she thought it was “unsophisticated” in her terms. Instead, I knew she was soaking up every guy’s attention in the room with her short but tight dress on and high heels. I put my blinker on and turned right, noticing most of the houses in Ryan’s neighborhood look the same: Two story, big lawns, and wealthy looking. I turned in his familiar house, seeing all the cars parked in his yard.

   I got out of the car, and saw Jace doing the same. I know that if we walked in together, rumors would spread and we’d be known as a couple. It was a comforting thought though. When me and Evan went to parties I liked to show him off, making sure girls knew him and I were dating. Jace opened the door, and let me go in first.

   “I didn’t know you had manners,” I joked, and poked him in the ribs.

   “Hey, I’m not that much of a dick,” he said and grabbed my finger.

     I scrunched my nose at him and smiled. He didn’t really have a good vocabulary, but neither does any guy I’ve met. I saw Ryan whose shirt was off showing his six pack and biceps. He had a beer in his hand while he was dancing with a girl who looked completely drunk and out of it. The air smelled like weed and beer, nothing new at Ryan’s house. I reflexively looked for Felecia, my eyes scanning the groups of people. I saw her sitting on the couch, sitting with one leg crossed over the other to show off her tanned and long legs. She was sipping wine, Merlot her favorite, and casually flirting with a guy.

  “Oh, hey, Andyln,” she said cheerily as I walked over there.

     It’s fake happiness, I thought. I knew she wasn’t happy to see me entering the party with Jace. I quickly wondered if I should lie to her or not.

   “Hey,” I said, sitting on the couch beside her.

      Since I was her best friend, I could tell something was off in her eyes, like a stony look. It was the same look when she found out that one of her exes were dating someone who was almost as pretty as her, if that was even possible.

  “We need to talk about something,” she said, getting up slowly to give the guy a full view, which he smiled at.

       I got up, and walked with her outside, shutting the door behind me. She looked at me, one hand on hip and said in a fake cheery voice, “What did you do today?” She asked, smiling.

    “Nothing interesting,” I said, with fake coolness. Inside, I was reeling.

    “I heard that you and Jace met up at Starbucks,” she said icily.

   “When?” I asked, I’ve only met him there twice, I thought.

 “A few days ago, so elaborate for me, when did you and him start hanging out? I claimed dibs on him, got it?” She said, making sure every word sounded clear.

  “Excuse me? Are you telling me to stay away from him?”  I didn’t notice how my voice went up a pitch.

   “Yes, Andyln, he’s mine, and far from yours. So stay away from him,” she said, turned around and walked back inside.

    I walked back inside, not caring if anyone saw me mad or not. I saw Jace talking to a girl, our eyes met for a brief second, and held one finger up to the girl and walked over to me.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked.

  “Nothing, I’ve got to go,” I said hurrying to grab my jacket.

   “Why? Do you want me to come?” He asked, his eyes furrowed together in confusion.

    “No. I mean, it’s up to you,” I said, and stalked out the door.

        I put my key in the engine, not caring if he came or not. I would have to call him later.  My mind went in all different directions, wondering what’s going to happen. I heard a tap on my windshield, I rolled it down.

  “I’ll meet you at your house,” he said and got in his car.

    A little bit of hope filled my body, maybe he will believe me if I explain everything to him. I suddenly realized that I did have a crush on him, maybe a little bit too much. Felecia played a lot of games when it came to getting the guy, but this time I would beat her at her own game. A strong feeling over whelmed me of power, I could do it. She told me that he’s hers, but I didn’t care, I wasn’t going to listen. A part of me, deep down, told me not to ruin our friendship over a guy, but I knew any day, she would dump my friendship for any guy. She wouldn’t win, not this time.

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