Chapter 27

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"So, Jace, do you work?" My mother asked, eating her cotuit oysters on the half-shell. I could barely eat mine, I was so nervous and jittery.

"I play guitar at Starbucks just about everyday now. I've been writing my own stuff now, and it seems to be going really well," he said, and smiled.

I knew he was trying his best to impress my mother, anyone could see that. It was hard to please her though, I knew when he knocked on my door, she was expecting a Evan resemblance, but instead of perfect jeans, and a blazer with perfect hair, and on time, she got Jace. Who was five minutes late and was wearing faded out jeans, with beat up Converse and a black V-neck shirt with a black jacket. My mother gave me the "who-is-this-boy-and-did-he-come-from-the-streets" look. I smiled and introduced him, my heart beating fast. My dad, the nice guy he was, smiled at him and was very friendly. They didn't have anything in common to my dismay, Dad watched sports, Jace didn't. My mother was making small talk towards him as if he was a child.

"Well, that's good. Andyln is going to college," she beamed proudly, her hazel eyes, like mine, gleaming.

I didn't know what to say, so I sipped on my wine and looked down at my plate. I knew I should've made at least an acknowledgement towards what she said, but my throat was so tight and the thought of me saying anything made me almost puke. Jace smiled his half-smile.

Dinner was soon over by the next half hour, which resulted in my mother climbing the stairs, and my dad drifting into the living room to see who was playing and what game was on. Me and Jace went into my backyard, the cold wind hit my face and I inhaled it in quickly, as if I was going to pass out.

"I'm sorry I didn't talk much, I was so nervous," I blurted out without thinking.

"Does your mom like me?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing in worry.

"I think she does," I said, but it sounded like a question more than anything.

"I don't think I'll ever measure up to being Evan," he said, and avoided my eye contact.

"He doesn't matter anymore, Jace. You are the only thing that matters now, screw Evan. I know my mother may miss the way he was, so proper and he always kept it safe. But you're different, you're better than him, way better than him." I said, trying to get him to look into my eyes.

"But to your mother, he is everything, I know she wants you to go back with him. I can tell by the way she acts, I saw the way she looked at you when you answered the door for me. I know I can never compare with Evan, and maybe I'm just jealous, I don't fucking know, but maybe Evan is better than me." He rushed out his words, as if he was out of breath.

I stood there speechless, so many thoughts were running through my head, I knew if I tried to speak, it would come out in a jumbled mess. I had no idea what the first thing to say was, I was confused and angry. But I didn't have to say anything, because he turned around and left.

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