Chapter 9

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    Being with Jace actually felt comfortable in the car, if I didn’t feel like talking, I knew he wouldn’t press me. I saw him put in a CD, and Rise Against played softly in the car. I sighed and wanted to drain it out, but I couldn’t. Evan liked Rise Against, the thought of him made me want to hurt someone, and I’m not even the violent type.

  “What are you thinking about?” Jace asked, looking at me.

  “Why?” I responded.

  “You look like you’re about to puke or kill someone,” he smiled.

  “Oh,” I responded, wondering if I should even tell him about my problems, “Just a guy.”

  "What happened? He didn’t give you enough money?” He teased.

  “No,” I said, suddenly exhausted too tired to make a comeback back.

   “What happened?” He asked, serious now, his eyes softening.

    “Uh, he cheated on me,” I said without much emotion.

   I saw his hands grip the steering wheel tighter, and his teeth clench together. Was he seriously getting mad? I thought. I wanted to get off the topic as soon as possible, and hopefully Jace would just drop the subject. I looked out the window, and noticed I was almost home.

   “I’m sorry that happened to you,” he said softly, “How did you find out?” He asked sheepishly.

   I briefly told him what happened, trying to not go into detail as much as possible, and even ended up telling him how he got me stupid flowers and how I’m a stupid virgin. He was quite through the whole thing, and after I was done, he pulled in my drive way. I had an urge to invite him inside, and I caught myself doing it.

  “Do you want to come inside?” I asked, having a craving for hot tea.

   “Sure..” he trailed off, and got out of the car, as the same time I was.

   My heart raced; did I even want him here? What am I doing? What would Felecia do? A voice in my head whispered, but I wasn’t Felecia, nor would I ever be.  Did he just say yes because he felt sorry for me? Regret washed over my body. I shouldn’t have told him in the first place. I felt my legs carry me upstairs with him trailing behind me, and unlocking my door.  I was very conscience of him behind me, as if he were a shark in water, and I was the small fish. What was there to be nervous about? Evan never has been to my house without both of my parents’ home. I didn’t understand why I was freaking out about Jace, of all people in the world.

  “Here it is,” I breathed in, my heart racing for no reason, and my palms were clammy.

FreedomNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ