Note 6

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Hey!! Once again a bit of a long notes so pretend it's all bold. Just saving reader's eyes one note at a time ;)

Gotta get some of that world building,,, My thoughts are intricate and wild but ya'll can't see my thoughts so I guess is have to try and write them. I figured now is the good time for a note, because it's kinda the end of a section of the book so I'm not interrupting too much.

Baisc stuff: this world is kinda a Minecraft and kinda not. Obviously there are the mobs, but also the combat is Minecraft based, and actually George's village was first based off Minecraft villages but a little more advanced.

There is so much forestry and trees. Just so much. These guys figured it out bro and they saved the forests there's just so many trees. Deforestation is dead.

The world quality is kind of split into two here, with places like George's village that are kinda old fashioned. Maybe one or two people have phones, no one has a toaster (it's so much better on grill), the average population is very small with maybe one school and one hospital per village. Possibly two but that's rare.

Because of this, they are very cut off from the rest of the world which means George and Sapnap's situation isn't too uncommon. This is also why the virus reached them so late, especially seeing as travellers visited less and less once the virus started spreading.

The other kind of place is more modern, like where Philza and Wilbur are from. About half the population will have cars, most people have a phone and some sort of computer or laptop. The cities can range from small towns to large metropolitan areas.

They were able to shut down a lot of the modern  places quite fast when they realised how deadly the virus was but some cities completely broke down because of it. Like to the point of new ruins.

There's not much of a reason for this divide, just that some people preferred one or the other. The towns are also very spread out with each one acting very independently yet the moderns having good communication with eachother.

Onto names: I've been quite vague about places names because I have no clue how to name places,,, if ya'll want you can suggest place names?

With the virus, that's actually one thing I haven't named on purpose because I imagined there'd be quite a stigma against it after it killed so many people. It does have a name, that name will probably never be released :3

Mutations. They can be properly wild like Ranboo's or pretty chill like George's. There is such a wide variety of change that can occur that there wasn't any point in categorising them like I planned to do (SCP classes style).

They don't know what dictates how mutations work in the world yet, because in the time they were figuring things out they were more busy trying to fix the virus. And by the time it was gone, no one really cared why mutations happened. They just happened.

There are theories that mutations can be linked to personality and experiences, but this has not been proven or given much evidence.

What happened to Halo isn't just a one off thing either. Sometimes when people mutate their minds just can't handle it and it sends them crazy. When this happens, there is typically no going back. Recovery chances are like 1 in a million and it takes forever.

Uuuh I guess that's kind of it for now but I'll probably find more to put here later.

(Siiiigh why does this book have so many more chapters but so much less votes than my other? Maybe I'm just better at writing UTMV.)

Any questions? Want any background info or are confused about something? Just ask!! I like when the readers are also involved.

And do you have any headcannons, theories or predictions? Some may even influence the story~

Finally, I decided that there are so many talented writers out there and I should probably tell ya'll them more often in the notes so here's someone:


I recently starting reading their 'Blue Sonder AU' book and it's pogchamp! Go read it I swear I'll steal your kneecaps if you don't.

Sincerely, an oversaturated picture of beans

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