Night Of The Sleepless

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When they had gotten back to the tree house, the sky was alive with stars.

Technoblade layed Wilbur down on his hammock and went out again to join the others.

Despite the dark, they would have to make at least a makeshift grave for Tommy tonight.

The feeling of wrongness in the air only amplified as they dug. Everyone helped, yet a few times someone would have to take a moment when it was just too much. Surprisingly, Tubbo never did.

Niki interrupted their silent ritual to point out a shape moving down the ladder. It was Wilbur, who stumbled over to them dazed and a little confused.

"Hey guys... What's going on?"

Everyone shared hesitant looks. And Niki spoke up first, "Will... We're uh. We're digging a grave-" A sob escaped the mutated's mouth.


Seeing Niki was unable to continue, George said, "It's um- It's for Tommy-"

Wilbur barked a sharp laugh. "No, no that's stupid. Tommy wouldn't need a grave..." His face hardened, "He can't be dead. that's stupid. That's..."

Tubbo, who hadn't spoken a word since Tommy died, slowly walked over to Wilbur and enveloped the ghost boy in a hug. "I'm so sorry Wilbur. He's gone."

It was enough to brake him, and Wilbur sunk to the ground and sobbed until he had no more tears to cry.

They had finally dug the grave big enough, and had to put Tommy in the ground. As they filled the grave once more, Wilbur sung.

It was a tune filled with soft heartache and anguish, it spoke of longing for places you'd never been and experiences you'd never had. By the end of the song, the mutated's voice was as hoarce as it had ever been but he sung until the job was done.

With nothing more to do, everyone slowly filed upstairs, each whispering one last word to their fallen friend and a blessing to the night for the peace.

Ran and Boo sat side by side, unsure of what to do.

Ranboo, you there?

As expected there was no response: no feeling or guide. It made sense seeing as intense emotional distress was a cause for them splitting unintentionally.

It was better, they supposed, because now there was someone to comfort them. To hold the other and say it would be alright. It was going to be a long night and they decided to stay outside and watch the dancing sky.

Niki joined them, sitting with her legs over the edge of the balcony. She sighed, "We have to get out of here guys."

"I know... But where would we go?" Ran asked.

Boo hummed in thought, "What about Dream, Sapnap, and George? We could ask to leave with them. They said they would leave when the weather got warm and it can't be long now."

"Good idea." Niki said ,"One of us should ask-"

"Dibs not us!" the two counterparts said simultaneously.

"Dang it." Niki smiled, "Wait, technically we could say that Ranboo has too..."

"Nice try, we both said no. That counts."


"Just what is going on in here?" The woman folded her hands in front of her.

Techno, years younger than now, stood staring with utter disbelief at the broken vase infront of him.

"Again? Really! What's the excuse this time?"

Almost But Not Quite HumanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora