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The appearance of this animatronic seemed really odd to me. Now he wasn't wearing any costume but a dark green coat, gloves and a black beanie. He looked as if those clothes were not with the objective of protect himself from those fifteen degrees outside, but just to cover as much as he could his face and in general his shaking, dirty bodh. I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen, but my system actually can't discover what this will be, I only know this is going to be a situation in which the two of us are going to be in a big risk; yes, I'm definitely going with Freddy, but we can't let him know it.

   "Alright, I'll be back at five o'clock. I need you to have all the stuff you're going to keep since we're probably never going to come back here." He sounded as if he knew everything that was going to happen.

   "Ok, I'll be ready."

   "Perfect!" he said with a twisted smile, "see you later, Freddy." And then he was out of my sight because of the dawn.

   I could see that Freddy wasn't so sure about what he was doing; whenever he's nervous he always bows his neck or lower his ears, beside of not wanting to answer to my questions or accept the poutines I often offer to him. He was staring at the front door while we were listening the sound of that guy's truck turning thinner. He was watching the door as if it were a bottomless hole in which he let go of the only opportunity he had to be happy; I know he doesn't trust him at all, but I also understand the urgency of doing something to change his life and fulfill his purpose. I walked next to him and took his shoulder as a friendly sign; he needed so.

   "Do not worry, Freddy, I'll help you in this trip, you can be sure he's not going to see me."

   Freddy smiled softly and hopelessly at me. He turned around and went to the room.

   Somehow I was feeling as if my chest were discovered in the outside of the restaurant, just like hundreds of snowflakes on it and forcing me to breathe deeply without saying my need of oxygen. That bear reminds me those times when I believed I wasn't even going to survive with them; I looked at the stage. It's true that changes are a bump in the life's path, but sometimes the best shoes can't cross it without a strong heel. It makes me feel good to be here and have got to teach somebody a lesson without risking their back. Maybe some people think it's not fair, but for me it's a better gift to see what I want to see in animatronics that can't see.

   Just like Freddy, I picked up many of my belongings from the stage. I'll leave a note in the office of the restaurant explaining my situation for a non-defined span: I'll be in repair for an accident during working time, so I will not be back until everybody is completely sure that I'm available to be close to people again. I know how to write just like a normal human, so there won't be any problem. If everything goes as planned, in a matter of days a new animatronic will be arriving soon to do my job until the end of time, or at least until he or she learns to see. I'm really going to miss everything I went through under this roof and walls decorated with pizzas and children's draws; I mean, despite of my ruthless way to learn how to be here and enjoy my free time, things around me started to become part of me. It would be a nightmare if anyone throws away or sells even the smallest drawer, everything here has a deep meaning until I start to soar. It's time to say goodbye to everything I was and start back as other restaurant's animatronic, such as life.

*   *   *

Freddy went out of the room looking for some clothes he took off yesterday; they must be spread around and wet. I stayed here staring one las time the wardrobe where I keep all of my belongings; some of them has some dust and moss, as the ones made out of crystal or clay are soft of broken. It didn't matter how they looked or smelled like, I saw them as if they were made of gold.

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