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"It's like coming from inside the restaurant, isn't it?"

   Bonnie got more worried and got up to check it out; his ears always got droopy when something worrisome came across. Seeing him on his feet motivated me to investigate this issue too, because, indeed, that smelled seemed to be coming from the dining area. We suddenly could hear many stuff from the kitchen clattering and crashing onto the floor. No one was screaming, but it rather sounded like somebody was trying to flee from the restaurant, especially from the kitchen. Bonnie and I exchanged confused glances, so then we both knew we had to go out and investigate. We said nothing. We were making sure everything looked just like it looked a few seconds ago. Ballora, who was always outside this room, wasn't in her gallery anymore; that was normal, for Mangle had to get her to the Parts and Service room to fix her circuits and system. Mangle wasn't back yet, as this whole place—at least in this part—still looked fine. So it must be in the dining area.

   "It's coming from the dining area, right?" Bonnie asked me.


   After that, we went all the way through towards Baby's gallery. We were able to watch what was going on from here. I was going after him. As we were reaching the end of the duct, I stared at a shiny, orange light right in front of us, as if somebody would have set up hundreds of lights. When we stepped out of the duct, we glanced the dining area: the kitchen was on fire, as it was spreading table by table, carpet by carpet, decorations by decorations. That catastrophic scene brought back in my mind everything I had to go through before the factory came down. I started feeling a headache; I pressed my head with my paws.

   "Freddy, look!" Bonnie yelled right to my ear while pointing to the restaurant's entrance.

   In the bottom of that area I could see the front door being forced like somebody was trying to kick it down.

   "You said Mangle is used to go out to take some air at nights, didn't you?" he asked worried.

   It was true, so it was her the one kicking the door.

   "Right, let's go." I placed my paw on Bonnie's back and walked him towards it.

   We left the gallery through a hatch in the wall that led to the darkest tables, but not enough for people to not sit them. This fire was in charge of turning them into coal. When we were half the way I could tell how hot the air was, as trying to breathe was harder for all the smoke that was coming from the kitchen. I covered my mouth to stop breathing what made me cough a lot. Bonnie couldn't bear it either.

   Before I could reach the door, Mangle had already taken it down with her foot. She remained steady while staring at us and at all the catastrophe behind us, which was making the place hotter and stuffier.

   "What happened!?" she exclaimed as she walked in a little more.

   "We don't know: we just were in the Breaker Room when we noticed a smell like something was—" Bonnie was explaining.

   So then Mangle froze as soon as she saw some spot in the kitchen: the Lost and Found room next to it.

   "Who left the door opened of that room?" she whispered a little loud still with her back at us, and then she screamed, "WHO LEFT THAT DOOR OPENED!?"

   The haste of doing something to cease the fire was unbearable, but Mangle's desperation was another issue needed to solve. Both of those thoughts wouldn't let us move a single muscle.

   "Well…" Bonnie was trying to explain himself, "it's just that I told Freddy that I was gonna find a blanket or something for the night."

   "Yes! But why in hell did you leave the door opened!?" Her voice sounded sore, like she wasn't able to raise her voice more.

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