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I placed myself in a little corner of the loading area while I was trying to study this little map that I found in my pocket. For what I could see on it, this truck was gonna take me to a harvest of chards and spinaches. If I kept myself on it until I got there it could get me away from arriving to Whistler. The map had also some "x" that changed the route I should go by, but they all coincided in one point in particular. I don't know who gave this blessed map, but I think that if I follow all of these instructions I'll get to Whistler in a blink of an eye, I just gotta be careful with the trucks I'm gonna take.

   I have this funny sensation that I dreamt about all of my friends at Freddy’s and with Golden Freddy himself, but I don't exactly remember what he told me. It was something about the future? Maybe when I get to a warmer place I'll get to remember it. While the sun set higher to indicate noon, the weather inside this loading area turned warmer, at least the parts that got the sun rays was warmer. I got up and sat now against those warm walls, as I rubbed my hands together and tried to get them warmer with the steam of my body.

   I feel a little weird now that I have to deal with all of this by my own, but I also feel good now that I have a predetermined way to follow, it's like God liked a lot my intentions and decided to get me back on Earth so I can fulfill them, otherwise he would have taken me with him. I can't remember anything about when I was at the top of that mountain, not even the truck that was about to hit me. Is that truck the one I'm travelling on right now? I couldn't confirm that if I don't remember the face of the one who got off and stood before me before I started dreaming. Whoever they were, I thank them so deeply for taking me into this truck, thanks to him or her I can feel now that I'm alive again, despite the fact of having to deal with this cold.

   I had gotten to another little city with many people around. Something I didn't notice before was the sign in the shops and all around in general, which now were comprehensible for me now; I didn't even know when all the French influence ended up, though I feel like I can still remember many of the phrases Mangle taught me. Oh, Mangle, now I remember that you're not around here anymore to help me out with this trip of hell. I hope you can get out of that truck and get free from fighting against Springtrap and Golden Freddy. I just don't have any idea where the heck they're gonna go, but I know that if they realize that you went with me they're not gonna take it so good. If only I had one way to communicate with you, at least I could call you to thank you for everything you did, even in the last moment you tried to help me warning me of the risks of going out, but my urgency of pleasing didn't let me think clearly and I ended up here. You're a clever girl, Mangle, and I hope that at least you can find a way so you and the Cupcake can be safe. And I'm sorry for making you go out of your restaurant too, I could tell you worried too much about that little guy on that picture: Bruno. Maybe for me he was just another teenager that used to go to Freddy’s, but I know that he means so much for you; I could even feel your woe during sleepless nights. I'd be really painful for me to know that now you're with him, 'cause I'll never have the opportunity too see you again and thank you. Please, Mangle, I know you're a strong and smart girl, you'll get out of this just like Bruno maybe did.

   The point in which I had to get off had come along, so now I had to find another truck to go by so I can get to another city next to Whistler, I would be just some hours away from it. I got up trying to balance myself and I opened one of the doors of the loading area; they were two. I could see that now the truck was going slower due to some snow on the road, as well as some of the pines and mountains looked farther as I go on. The only thing left to do was to jump off onto the edge, just expecting the snow and those leaves to break my fall. Leaving one of the doors opened, I jumped and started to roll towards the same direction of the truck, but it went faster than me. That fall made my head hurt and so did my right arm, which I used to land. Trying to not think about the pain I got up and went to hide behind some pine so no human could see me, not even the ones that travelled in that truck. It looks like none of them saw me, so I had gotten to get off there unseen. I started to look around and, indeed, I noticed another truck stations some steps away from here. Sweet! Now I just had to walk a little and get into one of those.

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