Chapter 23: Hospital Drama

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The three sat silently in a very large hospital room, where an empty hospital was waiting for a certain string bean man. Vivi had both of her lier legs to her feet put into casts, and she was to be on a wheelchair for weeks up to a month. Mystery was in her lap, letting her pet him for comfort, and Lewis was sitting in the chair closest to the hospital bed, chewing his nails and bouncing his legs up and down.

His blue heart was fractured in multiple places, the locket cracked, his soul hurting as he anticipated the absolute worst while begging whatever god still heard him to keep Arthur safe. Vivi had noticed his masked panic by the flaring color his eye was displaying even through the sunglasses. She looked down at Mystery before moving her wheelchair over to sit beside Lewis, and gently placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him a weak smile.

"He'll pull through. It's only his arm, and I trust in the doctors here." Vivi smiled softly.

"He lost so much blood..." Lewis mumbled. "He's way to exhausted. His heart could give underneath the stress of if all. He's been in surgery for over an hour." Lewis hissed. "When I found the operating room he was in...his heart beat was so slow, and faint. And the doctors had blood all over their hands." Lewis whimpered, shuddering at the thought of them cutting bits off of him.

"That's how most people are when they get severely hurt like that. But he's gone through this before..." Vivi whispered.

"He remembered it as an accident." Lewis shook his head. "It wasn't the same."

"Lewis..." Vivi sighed heavily and gently took one of his hands into her own, minding the dog on her lap. "Arthur is going to be fine. Just fine. Believe me. You just wait. They're going to cart him in here and set him up in that bed beside you in a flash."

Just as she finished her words, the door to the hospital room opened, and in came three nurses, and a doctor. Lewis tensed and shot to his feet, and Vivi wheeled herself out of their way, spooked by her own words somehow predicting that. Mystery himself was a little amazed at the timing.

A hospital bed was moved into the room, as well as a heart monitor and a pole holding bags of differing contents, and laying on this bed was Arthur, with one nurse using a rubber lung on him to keep him breathing manually.

He was transfered into the clean hospital bed belonging to the room, and began to hook him up to everything in that room, monitoring everything that was necessary, including a breathing machine since the medications they gave him were still fully affecting him.

"Is he okay?" Vivi asked for Lewis, who looked about ready to explode.

"Yes, he is stable for now. He lost a lot of blood, and we stopped the internal bleeding we found inside the marred joint. We had to cut away the burnt flesh and reconstruct some areas where the arteries were exposed. It was a mess we were able to clean upz but it will leave a very nasty scar. You said a bear did this?" The doctor looked to Vivi, raising a brow questioningly.

" thrashed around and threw me, off a ledge when we were camping, I landed and hurt both of my feet, because I landed into rocks and the rocks crushed them. I heard him screaming..." Vivi teared up, acting, as always, spot on. "Lewis told me the bear tore his arm off...and he didn't stop to think after he scared it off to burn the wound closed with our grill." Vivi sighed.

The doctor nodded and looked over at Arthur's only arm, eyes narrowing some.

"What kind of bear was it?" He asked.

Vivi froze, before stumbling over herself. "I-I w-w-wasn't able to see it. It was very dark, very big. Like a wall of fur."

"..." The doctor looked up at Lewis. "And you're sure it was a bear that attacked you?"

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