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I am so sorry it's so late. I been so busy with school, and I just never had the time. But here you go!


Seulgi P.O.V

Everyone is sitting in class bored as hell, waiting for the bell to ring to determine our freedom. The history teacher, Mrs. Capler, was still teaching, totally unaware of the commotion going on in her classroom. I sit in the far back. It's always live where I sit.

I mean, you have your people that stays alert when the teacher's teaching in the front, the sleepers in the middle, then you have the back, the fun, adventurous, troublemakers. I'm not a troublemaker though, I just hang with them, but only in this class. I'm a total nerd in the others.

Most of us were on our phones clicking away. That's when I felt a paper ball hit me. I looked up to my friend Destiny. She was smiling, then she pointed to someone next to me. I turned around to see no-one other than the kingka of the school, or worse, my next door neighbor, Taehyung.

He looked over and mean mugged me, which resulted into me shooting the finger at him. Man, he's so annoying! But yet, he's still so cute. I'm secretly in love with him, but he doesn't see me as the same way.

"Did you throw that paper ball?"

"Maybe I did."


"You might as well drop that act. I can already tell that you like me." I scoffed while he smirked, then licked his lips.

"Pssh, In your dreams pretty boy. You're too cocky and conceited for me to like you. Besides, you like me."

"No way, you're too ugly." I glared at him and shot him the finger again.

"You're such an Asshole!"

"And you're such a Bitch!" I smacked my teeth and rolled my eyes, then turned my attention back to my phone.

Just then, the teacher stop her lecture to speak to us.

"YAH, Seulgi.. Taehyung.. stand up!" We groaned and stood up. This was the fifth time this year that we got into trouble.

Mrs. Capler slapped the meterstick on her desk and tapped her foot.

"So what's your excuse this time?" Everyone glanced at us, ready to hear our sorry excuse for interrupting her.

Before I could even say anything, Taehyung beat me to it.

"We were talking about what we were going to do when school was over. I'm going over her house tonight to hang and.. you know." I widened my eyes and turned my head to him while the girls gave me glares. The whole class murmured.

The teacher looked disgusted and put up her hand. "Please.. no more. I don't need to hear about your love life."

"Oh no. Mrs. Capler, you got it all wrong. We're not-"

"I said I don't want to hear it! Now, since you guys want to interrupt me in my lecture, you two will have to stay back for detention.. with me.. TODAY." Taehyung immediately switched his face from a sly smirk to a grim-looking frown.

"Oh hell no! Mrs. Capler.. it's the last day of school, you can't do this!"

"Oh yes I can. That'll teach you two lovebirds to keep your mouths shut when I'm teaching up here!" I just snarled at her. Why the hell would you even teach on the LAST day of school before summer break? God..

"Lovebirds?? Please Mrs. Capler, I was only kidding. She's totally not my type." I folded my arms and turned to him in disbelief.

"Oh, but you're just supposedly my type?"

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