Jimin~ I Trusted You

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Dedicated to: MAKNAELINE_1067


(A/N: the dialogue will be lowercased unless it's someone's name or a pronoun like "I". this is just a book of imagines, so I don't feel like it's that serious to capitalize the letters when needed. you still know what they're saying. carry on lovelies)


"Avee, do you think that you can, I don't know, hurry up with your make up? we're gonna miss the party." I rolled my eyes and continue to finish my foundation. I don't say anything when he takes a long time putting on his makeup, why such the attitude?

"relax Chim Chim, I'm almost done, yeah? why don't you go play your game or some-" Before I could get another word out, he dashed past me and ran to the living room. I sighed as I instantly heard the Xbox sound turn on. I mean, I did give him the permission to.

As I took one last look in the mirror, I smiled at the finishing product and prepped up my curls. Looking good Avee, if I do say so myself.

I picked up my phone to check the time. 9:24, perfect timing. The party at Taehyung's house starts at 10. He likes to have midnight parties and get wasted. Last time, he was so drunk that he started posting random ass blurry pictures of his self on Twitter. Let's just say that he got his privilege revoked for a while, that Taehyung.

"alright babe, I'm ready." I walked out of the bathroom with my purse and phone in separate hands. I walked into a half-game of GTA, but no Jimin. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked around the living room to see if he was hiding. He likes to scare me sometimes. I looked behind the couch, no Jimin.

Behind the curtains, no Jimin.

Inside the closet, no Jimin.

Where the hell could he have gone that fast? I never even heard him get up from his spot on the couch. That's when I heard muffled noises coming from our bedroom. I made my way down the hall to our room when I saw the door cracked.

He was strolling around the room with a huge smile on his face. I wondered who he was talking to.

Apparently, someone that can make him smile just as much as me. He's been doing that a lot lately.

Whenever his phone vibrates or rings, he would glance at me for a second before getting up to go answer the call or respond to the text message.

Though every time I ask him about it, he says 'it's nothing' or for me to not worry about it.

If that doesn't scream suspicious, I don't know what does. I opened the door and folded my arms. "Jimin.."

He looked up and went back to his phone. "yeah, let me call you back. I'll see you later, bye." He hung up and stared at me with that stupid smile on his face.

"hey babe, you ready now? you look beautiful." He tried to hug me, but I cut him off with my hand to his chest. "uh huh, yeah whatever. who were you talking to on the phone?" He just simply chuckled and hugged me anyway.

"awe, is my little baby jealous, hm?" He looked down at me with a teasing grin. I gazed back up at him with an unamused expression.

I pushed him away and tapped my heel on the carpet. "I'm not playing with you, ugly. you've been real secretive these past few months. you're not cheating on me, are you?"

Sounds pretty straightforward, but I had to ask.

He laughed and caressed my hand as he pulled me closer. "Avee sweetie, that was just my coworker/friend, Mira. it's nothing serious, I swear."

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