Jimin~ Happy Birthday

317 5 7

Dedicated to: tisha1728


October 1st, 2008 - 12 years old

"Jiminie.." I poked his cheek as he snored loudly beside me. I could feel his drool slowly dropping onto my thigh as he continued to sleep soundly.

I groaned out of disgust and kicked his head up, to which he instantly jumped and looked around. "w-what? hello? yes, I'm here." I furrowed my eyebrows then rolled my eyes as I sat up.

"wake up, we're supposed to be watching this movie together, remember?" He sighed and rubbed his eyes and crawled up to the top of the bed where I was and laid his head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Tisha. I haven't gotten enough sleep these past few days because of packing. we leave tomorrow." This sad feeling rushed over my body as I stared off into space.

"I know Chim Chim. I just wish you guys could stay. I'm gonna be so bored and lonely without you."

Jimin and his family are moving soon, which means, no more hangouts, no more late night bike rides, no more him.

It also doesn't help that we were both born on the same day, in the same year, at the exact same hospital. We were practically meant to be best friends...maybe even more, but I never thought about it, and I doubt he has.

"we can always contact each other. you have my number, I have yours. that's all we really need, so you have nothing to worry about, I promise."

We heard my mom yell from downstairs.

"Jimin, your mom's here!" He sighed and looked at me before giving me a tight hug and a sweet grin.

"see you tomorrow morning," he said before getting off the bed and walking out. I watched him leave as I felt the waterworks starting to form.

As soon as he left, I laid my head back down on the pillow that was aligned up on the headboard and shed a few tears before wiping them completely.

Boy, do I not want tomorrow to come...


October 2, 2008

The sun was shining bright, but it was such a sad day for me. I stood on my lawn and watched as Jimin and his family carried their last boxes into the moving truck.

He dropped the box gently on the ground and turned around to glance at me. From where I was standing, I could see his eyes full of grief and worry. I broke the gaze by turning my attention elsewhere and sighing hopelessly.

He didn't want to go just as much as I didn't want him to go, but it's too late to turn back now.

As his family hopped into their car, Jimin stood still on his lawn as he gazed at his now old, vacant house.

"Jimin, come on sweetie," his sweet mom expressed. He shook his head from all the serious thoughts and raised a hand up.

"just a minute mom. I need to do one quick thing first." He slowly started walking over to me with his head down and his hands in his pockets.

I suddenly grew nervous as his steps grew closer. He finally stopped just a few feet away from me and looked up with a small grin.

"so..this is it." I nodded off as the wind blew my hair away from my eyes.

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