Rap Mon~ I Really Like You

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enjoy love! Hope you like it..


"Andrea, can I talk to you for a minute?" I placed my books into my backpack as the bell rung, signaling that class was over and free period was next. I walked up to the teacher's desk while my friends were outside waiting for me.

"Yes, Mrs. Choi.. what is it?" She pulled out some papers from her file drawer and slapped them down on the desk.

"You're failing Korean Basics 101, that's what." My eyes widened in shock as I picked up the papers and stared at them.

Three F's!? This can't be real...

"Those are your last three quiz papers, all of them with a grade below a sixty percent. Care to explain what's going on?"

I shook my head as I kept glaring at the papers in front of me. I never made a grade below a C. I'm a smart student in school overall, its just this class I have issues with.

"M-Mrs Choi. I-I don't seem to understand what happened. I mean, I studied, I really did." But still, she didn't seem satisfied with my statement.

"You want to know what's funny about this situation Andrea?.. ..you're Korean." I scoffed as I scolded my teacher with a stank eye.

Here we go again...

Everyone expect me to know Korean.. ..just because I'm Korean. To be honest, not every Korean knows the language.

I was born in Korea, but I moved to America when I was five, so the only language we speak in our household is English. I wasn't really taught Korean until my senior year of high school, which is now.

I only learnt small portions..

"Not every damn Korean can speak Korean, you imbecile," I mumbled.

"Excuse me? What did you say?" I exhaled a breath of air and shook my head out of annoyance. "Nothing."

"You know, I have a theory. Ever since you got on the cheer team, you've been letting that get to your head. You're just.. ..floating on a thin line just like the others. That's scary for you Andrea, even for me. You're one of my favorite students because I really see a future in you. It would kill me to see you fail."

She was really irritating me, so I simply placed the papers in her hand while she looked puzzled.

"So what does this mean Mrs. Choi?" She stayed silent for a few minutes, testing my patience.

We only have 1 hr and 30 minutes for our free period and 20 minutes has passed.

I can literally feel my stomach caving in, and free period is usually when I get food, and if it's one thing I don't play around with, it's food!

"I have no other choice but to issue you a tutor." My face turned blank as I stared at her with a 'bitch-you-serious look.' There ain't no way in the world I need a tutor, nor do I want one.

"A tutor!? Oh uh-uh Mrs. Choi, you got me fuuuu-" She raised her eyebrow and stared at me with a strong sense of displeasure like she was waiting for me to finish the sentence.

"Uhh I mean, there's no need for that Mrs. Choi. I don't think I should get a tutor."

"On the contrary, you do. Unless.. ..you wanna fail the class and not graduate?" I looked towards the door to see if my friends were still waiting there.

But they weren't.. these h*es ain't loyal.

"Andrea, did you hear what I just said?" I turned my attention back to my teacher as I nodded, signaling that I heard.

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