JungKook~ One-Sided Love

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This is the first time I received an actual plot, and I really liked it, so I hope you like it Hun. Sorry in advance if I leave anything out. 


*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

I groaned as I rolled over in my bed to turn off the annoying alarm. I smacked it down multiple times, but it still wouldn't shut up. I soon got agitated to the point where I grabbed it and threw it across the room.

When it finally turned off, I hummed in relief and started to go back to sleep. Just as I went back into dreamland, my mom called me. "Bea, wake up sweetie. Today's your first day of high school. GET HYPE!"

That's me, Nadine Bea. Call me either or, I go by both. I'm that talented shy girl you see in the halls that don't interact that much with people, but when I do, I'm very welcoming.

I never told people this, but I'm a JYP trainee. I was accepted when I was in the seventh grade, which means I been in for two years and counting. If I was to tell anyone, they'd be all up on me and I really don't want that. I'm perfectly fine with the small circle of friends that I have right now. Although, I met some real cool people by being a JYP trainee. Who would have known that me, out of all people, would be real good friends with the future members of Got7!?

(A/N: In this story, she's training with the predebut Got7.)

I rolled my eyes in my sleep, (if that's even possible) and heaved a sigh as I sat up and rubbed my eyes to make my vision clearer.

No one says 'GET HYPE' anymore. My mom seriously lives in her own little world sometimes.

Before I could even get out of bed, here she comes barging into my room. "Do I have to do this every school day? Come on, it's a new year. I need you to cooperate with me and get down with this routine Nadine."

That's when I gave her a look. Get down? She playing now. "Ma, no one says that anymore."

"Oh right. What is it that you kids these days say? Uh.. let's get turnt!.....outta that bed." Okay. I shook my head and got up for the bathroom.

"Did I do it right that time!?" She yelled out to me. I just ignored her and started my shower.

She's so embarrassing.


"Bye mom, I'm off to school!"

She gave me a wave and a thumbs up. She mouthed an 'I love you' as I said it back and closed the door, making my way towards the bus stop.

"Yo yo yo Bea!" I turned around to see my best friend running towards me to the point where she tackled me and we both fell in the grass.

Man, I just got this outfit too.

"Minhye, what the hell!? This is a fresh new outfit!" She smacked her teeth and got up while pulling me up as well.

"Oh don't get your panties in a twist. You ain't die. You're still fine." She walked off as I followed after her.

Minhye. My best friend since sixth grade. She would always have my back like I had hers. I mean, she's like my sister. Even though she seems to always one up me every time, I don't really say anything about it since I never really cared, but whatever.

"So.. ready for our first day?" I squealed. She rolled her eyes at my happiness which made me frown. "Eh.."


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