XIII. attachment

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"dream," tommy says. 

"i mean you know i'm not going to kill you, but tubbo." i say walking closer to him and look at tubbo.

"what, dream." tubbo says, "tommy." 

"wait so if i was to run away now, and put the disc away, how could you kill tubbo?," tommy asks, " he's fine, he's fully protected."

"but it's not going to last long from where i'm looking, if i'm being honest tommy." tubbo says looking at him.

"really?" tommy says looking back at him.

" i have everything that i could that i would be able to chase him down." i say. 

tommy sprints to his bag and throws the disc in it. 

"yes, yes!" tubbo screams. 

"i put the disc away dickhead, i put the disc away." tommy says yelling.

"i mean that doesn't change anything," i say, "you had the disc, i could just kill tubbo."

"tubbo, tubbo stay behind me." tommy says walking in front of him. 

"tommy, you're not- you can't defend him," i say bringing my shoulders up and putting them back down, "you were defending him before. i haven't even tried yet." 

"how do we know you aren't just saying that?" tommy asks. 

"because i'm not, i've come prepared, i always have," i say, "guess what? i'm much stronger right now." 

"what do you want?" tommy asks. 

"give me the disc," i say looking behind me, "look tommy, you're powerless. i can kill tubbo, i can kill you if i wanted to, but i won't. i can kill tubbo though. for the first time i was trying for 10 seconds and he was pleading in a corner, tommy."

"was that true? were you pleading?" tommy asks.

"yeah, i almost passed out," tubbo says, "one more hit and i don't know if i would have ever woken up." he looked at tommy.

"really." tommy says in shock.

"yeah." tubbo says looking down. 

"holy shit, ok." tommy says. 

"ok listen," i say, "tommy, alright, i feel like i gave you too much time, ok? listen make your decision," i say walking closer, "tubbo dies or give me the disc."

i start to count down.


tommy looks around.


tommy looks at tubbo. 

"tubbo what do i do?" he asks. 



"i don't want you to die." he says. 


"keep the disc, keep the disc." tubbo says looking back at him. 

"why? why?" tommy questions.


"it'll be worth it." tubbo exclaims. 



"tommy, i'm fine just keep the discs. i've done enough in my life. just keep them." tubbo cries. 


tommy runs towards his bag and grabs the disc. 

"what are you doing?" tubbo exclaims. 

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