XVII. letters

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dream's pov

present day

it's been a minute since i've been in prison. the only source of entertainment is a stupid clock. i guess i could write, sam gave me a bunch of notebooks but it just doesn't entertain me and to eat all i get is potatoes. 

i sat at my desk and opened a few letters i received: 

dear dream,

           hi i've been wanting to send you a letter for a while now, but just didn't have the words to write. i heard you're in prison now, that must be harsh. i don't know what happened to you, you were my best friend. you went rogue. the first few wars i was with you on all of your decisions, but something changed. you changed. i wish you would've told me what was bothering you before you went and became destructive. is it because of y/n? did her death hurt you that bad?  was it all worth it for some girl? all your friendships? your home?  well guess what she's alive and has been ever since she was shot and i don't care if you found out she was alive the day you were called a prisoner, this should help you get your act together. you know better. 

       it's bad i couldn't make it the day you spoke to tommy and tubbo but hearing it from y/n? someone i've only talked to once where she threatened my life is a lot worse than not hearing it from your former best friend. you could've wrote me and told me everything but you didn't, you didn't send me shit. i'm furious at you, i don't think i can look you in the face right now. you did so many things that are unforgivable. no one here believes you should be out here, everyone wants you in there. in fact a few people even forgot who you were, you know why? because they're continuing with their lives, without being manipulated, tortured, and that's what i need to do. i need to live my life. i need to calm down and maybe, just maybe i'll consider talking to you, face to face. 


"fuck." i shout as i stand up abruptly and put my hands on my head. i knew we weren't friends anymore but fuck that hurt. i didn't think he would find out so quickly. the three people i didn't want to hurt, george, y/n and sapnap. i may have only known george for 4 years but we were very close and i couldn't ask for a better best friend. it hurts, it hurts so much to feel the anger and pain through his words. i can't be forgiven. i may not have hurt y/n badly but i know there's still a spot in her that wants to keep me in this enclosed room with nothing to do but think. she may have told me that she didn't feel angry, but part of me knows she's on edge. she is one to forgive and forget but this isn't something you could just forgive and forget, i'll admit. 

i take a deep breath, sit back down and open another letter: 


      i never thought i would have seen someone so so so close to me end up where you are right now. i've known you for 8 years and i know this isn't you but i guess it is. i was wrong. you were dangerous all along. i don't think i can trust you anymore. even if i were to visit you i don't know what i would say to you only because i was your "weapon" during the disc wars. you used me. sometimes i even question if you were really my best friend, but no matter what i will always be your best friend. i never wanted to be the one to bring you to your cell. it pained me to have to hold your right shoulder to make sure you didn't leave our grip. 

        just in case you cared or want to know, everyone out here has been getting close with y/n ever since we found out she was still alive. she seemed different as if she was planning something, we all thought she was turning into a worse version of you and she's acting just like ranboo is. we really hope you aren't working with them to help break you out. that would lead them to be more in trouble than you. i would watch what you do and say to them. 

until we see each other, 


i stared at the letter confused. what does sapnap mean by "a worse version" of me. i propped up my head in my hand and i reread the letter. "what? i don't understand." i say in a quiet whisper. 

"well, fundy, tubbo and i created this kind of dreamon or in some sense, dream XD, and you happened to be possessed by it and ranboo might be as well." is it possible that now there is a connection between, ranboo, y/n and i, the dreamon part of me is in control of them? whatever it says goes. whenever it takes over its victim, they forget everything dreamon did or said to them. so when y/n came the other day half of her was dreamon and the other half was herself? that doesn't make sense, this is confusing.

sam dropped one more letter through the hole. i grab it off the ground and open it: 


      it's me, um, i don't know what to say, but when i left the prison yesterday i didn't feel right. after i said bye to sam and walked out, i think i blacked out, but i don't remember. i don't even remember what we talked about. this morning i woke up near the community house holding, who i think was beckerson?  i already told george and sapnap about it. i was able to put him back in the tank, but i still can't figure out why i was holding him or how i got ahold of him. i'm trying my best to remember everything, the one thing i remember was kissing you which i don't know why i did, but i don't remember the the conversation before that. did we promise anything?  

        i'm giving myself a headache just thinking about it. i remember hearing a males voice, he kinda sounded like you, it was comforting. i think i even saw him before walking out of the prison, he looked like you, but was wearing a ring and a bunch of other jewelry but the ring stood out, it looked like the one i have, you know the wave one with "you know i'll see you again"? i asked why he was wearing it and he replied "i'm you." that's all i remember though after walking out. i spoke to ranboo about it and he said that he had the same interaction, but he was wearing a crown. 

i've got to go, he's back. 



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