XVI. memory

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*small derealization part!*

ranboo's pov

weeks before dreams imprisonment. 

tubbo, fundy, quackity, dream and i stood in the community house. it was in pieces. not much of it left at all. dream claims that tommy blew it up. he keeps saying that tommy has affiliation because of his connection with the discs that tubbo still has.

"if he doesn't have the disc, and i don't have the disc, that means you are affiliated because you have it." dream says. 

tommy and techno entered the house. all there was, was yelling back and forth which led to tubbo and tommy to start fighting. 

"the discs were worth more than you ever were." tommy says angrily at tubbo. after those words tubbo gave dream the disc and then pointed everything towards me. 

"ranboo is a traitor," dream says, "one of your most trusted friends." 

all eyes were on me, there were lots of angry, sad, and confused expressions looking at me as i looked around, "i'm not, i'm not-" i say as i scramble to open the book.

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"how." i say while i flip through all of the pages and they're empty. blank. 

"he was meeting with tommy and techno, and told them everything." he explains.

dream hands a book tubbo, "no, no." i say confused and out of breath.

"please, please please," i whisper as i go through the book again, "how."

i stand and think blocking out all the sounds and voices in the background.

"techno you got any withers?" dream asks with a smile.

and there it was, doomsday was just ahead.

i got away from the crowd and headed to my panic room. it had black walls with hints of purple. on the ground there was a record player, i squat down and scraped any dust off with my fingers and played with it between my thumb and pointer. on the walls were signs, they said "dream is the reason, don't choose sides choose people, you're fine." 

"he got it. how did he get it? i don't get it. someone stole it, someone stole it. it's just gone. tubbo has it, tubbo has everything i've been doing. he's gonna know. my friend, he's gone now..............the way he looked at me, i will never get that out of my head." i say to myself.

"hello." a familiar voice says.

i look around me, "so you've come, come here to my panic room now." i say.

"i have." he says.

"how did you do it? how did you find my book? how did you know?" i ask.

"well, it was in one of your boxes." he says.

"i never put it- i never put it in the boxes," i say looking down and walking around, "why now? why all of a sudden when you could've done it earlier? why didn't you blow it up immediately?"

"eh it's fun." he responds.

"that's what it has always been huh?" i say.

"it's just a game." he says.

"yeah, it's just fun for you to watch everyone..," i say looking up, "fun for you to watch everyone suffer a little bit."

 "a lot of fun." he says.

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