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Third-person pov

The brunette glimpse at the dirty blonde leaving his locker. She grins as she stares into all his facial features. He ran his fingers through his hair one last time and left. She slips the paper into his locker. She leaves as nothing happened. After football practice, the dirty blonde noticed another letter in his locker.

"I have been writing letters to you for now 1 year I guess you're not as bright as I thought you are don't worry I still love you but your friends are cute too and the guy with the hoodie got a something-something." The dirty blonde cursed under his breath there was no way he can let her get away even from her writing he is in love with her. He wrote behind the letter. "Give me a clue and I will find you." He smirked and put the letter back in his lockers. The dirty blonde left the school grounds and went to the bleachers to chat with his friends. The brunette was walking to the library when the letter caught her eye. Most of the time he takes the letter with him but there was something written in the back. She opened it. A smirk played her lips. and took her lucky pen out. "Ok, pretty boy let's start easy My name starts with M and I have brown hair." She put the letter in his locker and walked to the library.

(*the next day*)

The dirty blonde had a football clutched by his arm. He took out the new letter. "Ok, pretty boy let's start easy My name starts with M and I have brown hair." He looked around. He saw Maisy. He looked back at the clues. Her name does start with an M but she has blonde hair. He smacks himself on the forehead. He wrote behind that letter. "Ok, maybe I'm not that bright I need another clue." He slammed the locker in frustration he wants to figure out who is writing him these letters so badly. The brunette passed his locker. Luckily the dirty blonde went to football practice. She chuckled and wrote another letter. "Ooo a dumb dirty blonde ok let's give you another clue my nickname that everyone calls me starts with K and I am in your maths class."

(*the next day*)

The dirty blonde stopped by his locker.  He opened his locker. "Ooo a dumb dirty blonde ok let's give you another clue my nickname that everyone calls me starts with K and I am in your maths class." He grinned looking at the letter. so the person who is writing these letters is in his reach part of the day. He wrote behind the letter.

 "HEY! that's not nice. I need more clues, baby girl." He put the letter back in the locker. He bumped into the brunette. "I'm so sorry." The brunette said calmly noticing it was the dirty blonde. He shrugs he couldn't stop staring at her brown eyes. He walks to the bleachers and she walks to the library for a pit stop. After she got out of the library she saw what he wrote. She giggles. "Ok, DUMB pretty boy, My name is Mackenzie and people call me Kenzie and we may or may not meet, btw it's impossible if you don't get this one ." She left the locker room. The dirty blonde went to his locker because he forgot his stuff. There he saw the new letter. "Ok, DUMB pretty boy, My name is Mackenzie and people call me Kenzie and we may or may not meet, btw it's impossible if you don't get this one ." He pushed his lips together so you were that girl, now it's time to find you. He found her talking to a guy. He slightly got Jealous. He yanked her out of her seat. He kissed her lips she slowly kissed back. He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer. He pulled away for a hot second. "Your mine now baby girl." He continued kissing her. She wrapped her arms around his neck kissing back. He picked her up bridal style. Not breaking the kiss. And that's how Johnny Vincent Orlando found his soulmate. 

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