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Sorry aarushit2005  I didn't have any ideas to write kidnapper part 2

The brunette wore a black dress, she wore her dark brown hair down. The second she entered the party everyone had their eyes glued to her. The dirty blonde was talking to his friends when he smelled the brunette's lemon aroma, he turned to the front and saw the brunette. His jaw dropped. The brunette made her way to her friends. One of his friends punched his side. "Carson!" He shreked. The blonde chuckled. "Careful a fly might get in your mouth." The curly head boy chuckled with him. The dirty blonde felt him simping over her and it's kinda gross, he  just wanted to marry her right now.

The dirty blonde walked away from the boys and head over to the brunette who was heading to the stand to pour herself a drink. The dirty blonde taped the brunette's shoulder. She turned to him. "Hi?" The dirty blonde gave her a nervous smile. "Hey um I was wondering if we could to hang out out anytime soon?"The brunette nodded. "Sure how about this Friday." The dirty blonde nodded. "Yeah sure um but bu any chance can I get you number." The brunette nodded. "yeah it's 800-225-5532." The dirty blonde nodded. He went in to his phone and added her.

(*After 2 years when they started dating*) 

The brunette admired the pictures of her that was framed on her boyfriend's room. "You really are something." She giggled. "Who wants pictures of me framed on their room."  The brunette contiued. The dirty blonde pulled her into his arms. He kissed her cheek.  The dirty blonde's phone pinged. He groaned. " I hate Zack." The brunette kissed his cheek. "I hate him too." The dirty blonde plays with the brunette's messy dark brown hair. He kissed her lips. The brunette kissed back. The dirty blonde rested his hand on her hip.

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