Lips on Lips

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(*I need ideas of Sassie stories I should do someone please help me*)

The brunette (Mackenzie) breathed in and out as she walked into the set. No one was there yet.  She walked to her dressing room and saw a sign outside of her dressing room. "Welcome to filming season 6 of Total Eclipse. Your personal designer will be here shortly, Mackenzie Ziegler." She opened the door and went in. Soon her a short blonde woman came in. "Hi My name is Allesey, let's get you dressed." The brunette sat on the chair. The stylist went towards her and brushed her brownish blonde, and styled it into braids. She took out her outfit. It was a red crop top and blackish-grey jeans. "Here wear this and meet the crew outside onto the hall." The brunette nodded. The stylist left. The brunette changed into the outfit.

The brunette only saw two dirty blondes and a familiar blonde head. Whose tips of hair were blue. The brunette ignored them and went to look for her best friend Emily. "Kenzie!" She heard her name called out. Both of the dirty blondes were now a foot away from her. The cheerful dirty blonde (Lauren) pulled her into a hug. The brunette hugged back. "Meet our friend Avery." The brunette smiled. "Lolo do you want to go find Emily, and Avery it was nice meeting you." She gave a quick smile and The dirty blonde (Johnny) and at Avery. 

She yanked Lauren out of there. "Woah someone is in a rush." Lauren giggled. "yeah" Kenzie glanced at her as she stared waiting impatiently for Emily. A familiar blonde hugged both of them. "Hi Sisters." The blonde said as she was pulling away. Kenzie and Lauren turned around. Kenzie hugged her. "Hi, Emi." Lauren hugged Emily after Kenzie pulled away. Kenzie put her arm around Lauren and Emily. "I think there's an ice cream place we could go there but we have to go back to set and 5." Both of them nodded. They went to the ice cream place.  Kenzie got a strawberry caramel ice cream. Lauren got a strawberry mochi ice cream. Emily got a milk chocolate cookie dough ice cream. Kenzie looked at her phone. "We have to head back to set," Kenzie announced.

(*When they headed back*)

Avery and Johnny were sitting on the couches and talking. Emily and Lauren went to the bean bag chairs and started blasting out "What If." Kenzie sat next to Lauren. She went on her phone. "Kenzie and Johnny please come here." Kenzie went up to the green screen and later Johnny joined her. The director licked her finger as she looked at the script. "Ok, Cassie and Sam let's practice your lines." Kenzie stepped closer to him. Johnny stepped closer to her. They were now only an inch apart. 


"Um, Sam what are you doing here." Sam looked at her   "We need to talk." Cassie stared at him puzzled. "Why?" Sam pulled her hands into his hands. He stared at her goldish brown eyes that were full of confusion.  He looked at her lips that he kissed in the coffee store and before leaving. He remembered himself being angry at her. 

The director annouced. "Cut." Avery went towards Johnny and hugged him. "You did great." Johnny smiled at her. He looked around. "Uh I got to go someone I'll be right back." He didn't wait for her to say anything. He rushed to where all the dressing room were. He saw Kenzie sitting the couch in her dressing room. Before he could leave Kenzie saw him. "Hey John." He turned around. "Uh, Hey Kenz." Kenzie got up towards him. He stared at her body. He glance up at her eyes that was staring at his brownish green eyes. His lips parted. Both them started leaning. Soon there was lips on lips. Johnny put his right arm around her waist, and his left hand was on her stomach. There was a high pitch scream behind them.

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