Mine Part 2

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The cheerful dirty blonde played with her fingernails. "We should go to the park." She gave a gleeful smile. The brunette gave the gesture she agreed. The blonde rubbed her lip something was going on her mind "yeah we should."

(* When they arrived at the park*)

The blonde pulled the dirty blonde arm. The dirty blonde grumbled a little bit letting the blonde pull him to the benches. The brunette interlocked arms with the cheerful dirty blonde. They ran to the dock. The faint scream came from the beaches. "Emily stop stay away from me!" The two girls ran to the benches. They saw the blonde leaning close to him harshly kissing his lips while the dirty blonde was backed away trying to push her away. The cheerful dirty blonde pulled the blonde away from the dirty blonde. The brunette stood there confused.

 The blonde grunted as the kiss broke. The dirty blonde rushed straight to the brunette who just stood there. He grabbed her and embraced her into his arms. His warm breath brushed her neck. Her head was on his chest. She could feel his heartbeat. It was beating fast. She bit her lip trying not to smile. The cheerful dirty blonde pulled the blonde into the car. The duo was alone. The dirty blonde pulled away from the hug and pulled her hand close to him and kissed her lips. She slowly kissed back. He picked her up. She wrapped her legs around his stomach. Everyone in the park stood there to stare at the couple. Some little kids were gaging others were looking at the couple with a smile.

(EEEEK after this I'm updating one of my books)

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