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The dirty blonde kept on pinching the brunette's sides. She has been quiet recently. He saw bruises under her eyes. He had a feeling that her boyfriend caused this. He stormed out of the classroom He knew everyone was staring at him but he didn't care. He saw her boyfriend chatting with his friends. 

The dirty blonde pushed him against the lockers. His Friends stood there in stock. They always saw him as the dork. Her boyfriend punched his face, he kicked the dirty blonde's stomach. By the time the brunette came, the dirty blonde's nose was bleeding, his lips were bleeding. She pulled the dirty blonde from the ground. His sister Darian wrapped him in a hug. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying not to feel the pain. Her boyfriend glared at her. His hand brush against her cheek leaving a mark. 

The dirty blonde opened his eyes and saw everything. His face turned red. He broke away from his sister's grip. He pushed her boyfriend against the lockers. Her boyfriend's body crash into the lockers and land on the floor. 

He pushed the brunette down to the floor gently and put his hand on her head. The brunette studied his face. The face was full of bruises, his nose was pink, his lips were bloody red. The dirty blonde's nuzzled his head into her chest. She wanted to disappear. Her best friend got hurt because of her. He whispered against her chest. "Why did you not tell anyone?" She gently rubs her fingertips behind his neck. The dirty blonde looks back at her face. "Kenz answer me." She looked at the ceiling. "He was always the loving boyfriend but soon he started abusing and coming late to school and our dates. I thought it was a phase so I thought it wasn't needed The brunette answered. 

Everyone looked at the Duo and left for their classes. The dirty blonde kissed her lips. She kissed back. Their noses were touching. She pulled away. He groaned. She giggled. "Let's get you cleaned up first." He nods. They pull away from each other and go to the bathroom. She cleaned the blood from his face and put a bandage on his nose. The dirty blonde pulled her back into a kiss. She kissed back.

That's how the brunette and the dirty blonde found love.

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