I love you

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The brunette stared at her phone confused. "You're saying your brother is crying because of me, Lolo?" The cheerful dirty blonde nods and looks out her room to see her brother outside with the dogs crying. His nose was blood red. He was sniffling. The brunette widened his eyes. "He was smiling when I called him." The brunette stated. The dirty blonde looked back at the brunette. "When are you going to tell him you're coming to Canada." The brunette and the cheerful dirty blonde had smiles plastered on their faces. "Soon. Bye Lolo." The brunette waved The cheerful dirty blonde chuckled and waved back. "Bye Kenz."

The brunette hung up and swiped through her contacts and called the dirty blonde. The goofy smile that was usually on her face wasn't there. His hair was damp and he was in his sweats. She smiled and said. "Hey, JohnnyBoi." She said. He waved. "How are you?" She asked. "I'm good you?" He said. "I'm great." Lauren's and her conversation came back to mind. Before she said anything the dirty blonde said. "I got to go bye Mack Z." She gave him a sad smile and hang up. She swings her legs up. Her bags messily laid all over her room.

(*The day she goes to Canada*)

The brunette ties her hair into a ponytail and changed into a brown crop top with high-waisted leggings.

(*When she arrived in Canada*)

The brunette walked inside the hotel. She went to the main desk to get the keys to her room. "Name?" the person behind the desk questioned. "Mackenzie Ziegler." She answered. The person gave her the keys. She walked into her room and plopped onto the bed. Her phone pinged.

John: why does your Snapchat location say you're in Canada

Kenz: Idk I think it's a glitch

She smiled at her phone. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

(*In the morning*)

She took a shower and changed into a black off the shoulders blouse and black jeans. She curled her hair. She took her phone with her and called Uber. She arrives at the Orlandos house. The dirty blonde was already there. He was watering the flowers. The dirty blonde stared at the brunette and stood in shock. She ran up to him and hugged him. The dirty blonde's eyes fell onto her body. He felt sparks between her that he never felt. "H-h-how are you here?" He questioned. "I got my ways." The brunette giggled. "I love you." The dirty blonde blurted out. His face became red when he realized he said that out loud. His shoulders sunk in, his face became 50 shades of red. The brunette chuckles and says "I love you too."

The dirty blonde grabs her into a hug and plants a kiss on her lips. She kissed back.

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