Problems with love. (Freed X Reader X Lyon X Juvia)

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This was requested by @_Ritzkitty_

Your name was Jessie Plant. You was a nature mage. You had long black hair and green eyes. You were very pretty. A lot of guys have asked you out, but you refused.

You see, you're in love with Freed Justine as well as Lyon Vastia.You don't know who to choose.

Lyon is sweet and kind, but he's in love with Juvia.

Freed is gentlemanly and kind, but he has an obsession with Laxus.

You just didn't know who to choose.

You was sat at the bar, sighing as you thought.

"What's wrong Jessie?" Mira asked.

"I'm just so confused!" You said.

"Why? Tell me everything." Mira said as she sat next to you.

"Well, I like Freed. He's sweet, kind and gentlemanly..." You said. Freed heard this which made him blush. "But I also like Lyon who's sweet, kind and funny." You added. Lyon heard that because he came to see Juvia and he blushed. "I just don't know who to choose." You sighed. "I mean, they might be kind and all, but they're both obsessed with at least, someone. Lyon is in love with Juvia and Freed is obsessed with Laxus." You explained.

"I see, this hard." Mira said. She then walked off, leaving you to sigh.

Mira walked up to Freed.

"Freed, can I talk to you a moment?" She asked.

"What can I do for you Mirajane?" Freed asked.

"How do you feel about Jessie?" Mira asked.

Freed blushed a little.

"To be honest, I'm in love with her." He explained, blushing like made.

"I see, thank you." Mira smiled. She then left and walked up to Lyon. "Lyon, can I ask you something?" She asked.

"Yes?" Lyon asked.

"What do you think of Jessie?" Mira asked.

"Well, I guess she is beautiful." Lyon said.

"I see, and how do you feel about her?" Mira asked.

"Well... I might have a little crush on her, but I do also love Juvia." Lyon explained.

"Ok, thank you." Mira smiled and then she walked back to you. You had a gloomy aura around you and you had your head on the counter. "Um, Jessie?" She asked.

"What? Can't you see I'm sulking?" You asked.

"Well, I found out something." Mira said. You sat up and looked at her.

"What is it?" You asked.

"Both boys like you." Mira smiled.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!?" You exclaimed.

"But Lyon also loves Juvia..." Mira added.

You hit your head on the counter with a sweat drop.

"Why did you have to tell me this?" You asked.

"Sorry, but I have a good idea." Mira smiled.

"Which is?" You asked Mira, looking at her.

"Come to the guild, tomorrow at 5am." Mira said.

"5am!?" You exclaimed.

"Yep! Don't be late." Mira smiled before walking away. You had tears falling down your face.

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