My Prince Charming. (Mirajane X Male Reader)

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Requested by ~ @drhamburger

Mirajane was a normal, everyday baretended at the pub, Fairy Tail. She was very sweet, but she did have a little scary side to her.

One day, Mirajane was working her night shift and it was quiet. There was only the most popular customer, Cana and the Owner of the pub, Makarov.

It was very quiet, but then the doors opened. Mira looked and saw a new face. The person was male. He had brown hair, grey eyes and flawless skin. The person was you. 

"Hello, can I get you something?" Mirajane asked.

You walked to the bar.

"A glass of water please." You said polietly.

"You came to a pub for aglass of water?" Mirajane asked.

"I'm sorry miss, but it's been a long day and all I want is a glass of water." You said.

"Oh, sorry, coming right up." Mirajane smiled as she went to get some water.

She passed you the glass.

"So, what's your name?" She asked.

"James." You said.

"Oh, you have the same name as the prince." She said.

You froze for a moment.

"That's right." You said. You looked at Mira. You noticed she was very beautiful. "Um, what's your name?" You asked.

"Mirajane Strauss, but you can call me Mira. Everyone does." Mira smiled.

"I don't mean to be nosy or anything, but are you single?" You asked.

"Huh? Yes I am, why's that?" She asked.

"I um... Would you like to go out tomorrow afternoon? Around 1?" You asked.

"Sure! Sounds like fun." Mira smiled.

"OK, I'll pick you up here." You said before drinking your drink, giving Mira the money and then leaving.

The next day...

You walked to the Fairy Tail Pub and saw Mira waiting outside, paitently.

"Mira!" You shouted.

"Hello James." She smiled.

"Are you ready?" You asked.

"Yep." She smiled.

"Let's go then." You said.

You both walked through Magnolia until your reached a hill.

"Why are we here?" Mira asked.

"Um, I know this is probably weird and all, but... I sort of got a picnic planned for us." You said blushing. Mira just smiled.

"Its not weird, it's sweet." Mira said.

You both sat down and the you got a picnic from behind a tree out. You set it up and you both began to eat.

You both talked and laughed. You found out that Mira did some modeling in the past and she has a younger sister who's studying on how to be a model, aboard and brother who's a pro wrestler.

After that day, you both met up every now and again. You've even started dating and you were both, happy, until one day...

You were both at a cafe, smiling and talking and laughing, when you noticed some men with cameras. Your face dropped. The men looked at you and ran towards you.

"Prince James!" They shouted.

"Crap." You said. You place the money on the table and then you grabbed Mira's hand and started to run off.

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