New Year, New Plans

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New Years Eve 2008

In the 3 years that me and Dutch have been married our life has been ridiculously perfect. We have a beautiful baby girl called Ava Ameila who is now 2 years old and a son called Leo from my previous relationship who is now 8.

We spend all our free time together, either with the kids or in bed satisfying each other. Otherwise he is at the racetrack or working at his auto shop and I am back working as a Dr at the general hospital part time so I can have a nice work life balance, literally my life couldnt be more perfect.

Tonight is New Years Eve and we are hosting the Party this year. Dutch comes in from work covered in motor oil in his overalls he knows he drives me wild when he looks all scruffy and dirty.

"Hey beautiful, have you had a good day?" He greets me with a kiss.

"Yeah perfect, kids have been little Angel's, Leo is just playing on his computer in his room and Ava is just having a sleep ready for tonight, so you know what that means?" I say unzipping his overalls and then leading him into the bathroom.

He gets my meaning, smirking he follows me into the shower, where I strip off my clothes and step into the hot and steamy shower.

"Shit I've missed you today" and I can see how much as he is rising to the occasion and his considerable length is bursting at the seams of his boxers, he removes them and springs himself free.

I literally salivate at the sight of him standing their all naked, sweaty, hard, all tanned and tattooed. I need him touching me right now.

"Get in here now! you sexy bastard!" He chuckles that deep laugh that turns me on so much and then he steps into the shower, grabbing me with his strong hands and kissing me passionately, claiming me with his mouth, marking me everywhere as his.

He flips me around and I lean against the shower wall as he enters me roughly from behind. As he moves in and out of me he bites down on my neck and shoulders, nibbling, sucking and kissing me. God he makes me feel so good and wanted.

We finish off and then clean each other in the shower, and then start to get ready for our party and guests tonight.

Emily arrives first to the party with her husband my cousin Mike Barnes, they got married last summer on Malibu beach and now she is 8 months pregnant and really looks like a vision how does she look so good even pregnant it's not fair.

"Hey gorgeous, how are you and bump today?" I say cuddling her and giving her bump a kiss and a rub.

"Ah I'm doing well, just cant wait for him to be out now, and I think Mike agrees he is fed up of my mood swings."

"Where is Mike? Why has he not come to see his favourite cousin?"

"He was here a minute ago? Men huh! he has probably gone to get drunk so he can deal with my crap!"

I walk into the kitchen and see Dutch and Mike appearing to have a heated conversation out in the garden area.

"Um what's going on?" I say walking outside. They quickly shut up when they see me.

"Hey Ness, happy new year." Mike says kissing me on the cheek. I eye them both suspiciously as Mike walks back into the house.

"Dutch, what's that about? Why were you and Mike arguing?" In the past few years, Mike and Dutch have become really close, they go away to the races together and spend alot of time either at the shop or the dojo so to see them fighting is really disconcerting.

He kisses me "Nothing babe, it's nothing honestly, dont worry about it." He smiles but I can see he is worried, but he leads me back inside where the guests have all started to arrive. I hate this as we have no secrets, that was our deal no lies, no secrets, we tell each other everything this is not like him at all.

All our friends arrive and the party is in full swing, I'm still unnerved by what I saw early especially as I can see that the two of them are clearly avoiding each other and Mike is avoiding me.

I go into the kitchen and grab Emily and pull her aside. "What the hell is going on with Mike and Dutch? Why were they arguing earlier?"

"I dont know what you mean, I know nothing about it, probably just a lover's tiff, seriously I am worried about those two, I always say if Mike is going to leave me it will be for Dutch!" She tries to make light of it but I feel she is hiding something from me too. What the hell is going on?

I dont like this especially as I have my own little secret that I'm waiting to divulge to my husband and dont like the idea that he is hiding something from me.

We are getting ready for the midnight countdown, I pull Dutch aside so we have a little privacy in the corner. As we all countdown from 10, I pull something out of my purse and place it in his big hand and kiss him as everyone shouts Happy New Year around us. He pulls away and looks down in his hand to see the positive pregnancy test that I took earlier today. His eyes enlarge "Really? Oh my god" he picks me up, swings me around kissing me.

"Shhh I dont want anyone to know yet, its early early stages, I am only 2 weeks late if that"

He cant stop smiling that beautiful lopsided smile that I adore so much. We have been trying for a baby for over a year now with no luck at all, and everytime I got my period it was like a knife through my heart. We kept thinking it just wasnt meant to be as we were both getting older, maybe our family was done but now we have finally been blessed again.

Surely this means 2009 was going to be a great year for us. I didnt know then just how wrong I could be.

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