Wedding anniversary and Happy Times

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Happy Anniversary Babe." He says walking into the room carrying a tray of food.

"Ahh morning handsome and Happy Anniversary to you too." I say kissing him as he places the tray in front of me.

He has made me an omelette and freshly squeezed orange juice and there is a huge card on the tray. I tell him to wait as I go and grab the bag of gifts that I have brought for him.

I get back on the bed and give him the bag to open, I have brought him a watch, a shirt and a new pair of trainers.

"Babe these are amazing, thank you, now my turn. I looked up what the symbol for 14th anniversary was and it was ivory and clearly that is a no go, so I got you these instead."

It was a silver pandora bracket with a little elephant on it, which is just beautiful. He has also brought me a huge framed photo with pictures of our life together including pictures from high school, our first wedding and our renewal and pictures with the kids it's a beautiful and thoughtful gesture.

"This is amazing I love you so much, so much that I'm going to eat my breakfast then im going to give you a Happy Anniversary blow job" I kiss him, finish my breakfast in record time and then make good on my promise before the kids get up.

We then have to get ready for our wedding vow renewal which we have planned for later this afternoon we are going to meet his parents at their beach house in Malibu and do the ceremony there. This time Bobby wont be doing the ceremony as that is just totally inappropriate we have hired someone off the internet to meet us there surely nothing could go wrong with that.

Dutch and the boys go ahead to his parents which just leaves me and Ava to get ready here. I  put on a short white lace dress and matching headband and Ava has an identical outfit to me.

"Ahhh Ava you look beautiful." i say as she does a twirl for me once ive finished her hair she really is growing into a beautiful young lady.

"Thanks Mom I would say that's because I get my looks from you, but we can clearly see that even though I have a hot mom god has blessed me with the looks of my father." 

This makes me giggle "Ah that's not such a bad thing your dad is a hottie, but yeah you and the twins are definitely all your dad." I pause and look at her "Ava can i ask you something? are you happy now that your Dad is home?"

"Yeah I am, it was a bit weird at first as it's just been us guys for so long, and when you guys started arguing I was worried it wasnt going to end well, but you do seem happier now, are you happier mom?"

"Yeah I was upset with him as he wasnt living up to his promises he made to me before he came out, but he is starting his new job at the garage soon and he is helping around the house more so it's all good. That's why we wanted to do this today to mark the start of our new life together."

"Well I am pleased I would hate it if you guys were to get a divorce or anything like that, when you told me all the stories of you and dad, about how you met and fell for each other it made me believe in love, I mean call me crazy but I even thought for awhile that you would get with uncle Bobby while Dad was away."

i nearly choke on my water that I'm sipping "What?? Divorce? Uncle Bobby? No No way, where do you get your crazy ideas from, your dad is literally my one true love and talking of my love let's go and meet him now. You are going to see us get married and I cant wait." I really need to end this conversation now, it worries me how observant kids can actually be.

We arrive at his parents beach house, his Mom is so excited this is right in her element she loves things like this especially if she can be the host.

Dutch is waiting outside talking to the minister. We renew our vows in a quick ceremony just with our family watching and it was the perfect way to celebrate our anniversary and mark the start of this new chapter that we are entering and I have to leave my past behind me now and try with all my heart to move forward.

I love Dutch he is my soulmate and all I have ever wanted since I was 17 and looking at him today while saying my vows reminded me of that.

On the evening we build a fire pit and sit around with our family, we bore the group with the stories of our love, how we met and how we made it back to each other.

After eating our BBQ food and toasting our marshmellows the kids and his parents start a game of soccer and me and Dutch are left alone by the fire.

"I love you so much Dutch and I want this for us." i turn to face him and kiss him softly.

"Want what Babe? I'll give you anything you want" he smiles that gorgeous lopsided smile that I love so much.

"I want to live out here, on the beach away from Encino and all the crap there, I want to wake up to the ocean everyday with you lying by my side.".

"I promise you we will, as soon as the kids have finished school I will buy you the best beach house ever and we will grow old looking at the ocean." 

I lean back into his arms and I feel so happy and safe and I know he will make good on his promise.

As its the weekend the kids decide to stay at his parents and enjoy the beach, which means we get to go back to our house on our own and spend the rest of our anniversary just the two of us.

When we get back to the house, i go and grab the champagne, whipped cream and strawberries from the fridge i am going to make the most of this night thats for sure. I walk up to the bedroom to find that he is already lying on the bed in just his boxers.

"Hello hot husband, have i got some treats in store for you." i say giving him a dirty smile, i put on some music and strip off my clothes putting on a show for him, just like I had done on our reunion weekend. once im just down to my underwear i crawl up the bed and feed him some strawberries, then i remove my bra and spray some cream on to my breasts for him to lick off me.

"Babe you are on fire tonight, seriously youve never looked or acted sexier."

"Its you, its all you Dutch, seriously you turn me on so much and I would do anything for you, now get them boxers off i want to lick whipped cream off your dick." he laughs but knows to do as he is told.

"How did I get so lucky." he says as im going down on him. We finish off as a hot sticky mess and then have to go into the shower to clean ourselves off and go for round two in there. We may be getting older but our insatiable need for each other certainly isnt waining.

Afterwards we are lying on the bed, he is starting to yawn and I wonder if now is the time to make a confession or not.

"Dutch, ive got to tell you something, I have to get this off my chest, its killing me and even though i know you will hate me once I tell you this I just have to." I hear him softly snoring and realise it's too late he is already asleep shit.....its just never going to be the right time is it? I kiss his chest and drift off into an awkward sleep maybe its just better this way.

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