Baby Barnes is born.

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February 2009

Emily has asked me to be her birthing partner, so I'm all prepared for when I get the phone call that she has gone into labour on the morning of Valentine's day.

"Dutch, that was Mike on the phone, Emily has gone into labour so I'm going to head up to the hospital now, I'll call work and let them know I wont be in today but I'll need you to take Leo to and from school and you'll have to watch Ava for me as I dont know how long I'll be there and obviously cant take her with me."

"Vanessa I cant take Ava, I've...I've got a full day planned at work it's not safe for her to be there."

"What, you've took her there before? The guys love her...hmmmpf Well can you drop her to your moms, come on Dutch I need help today. What is going on with you? you've been so stressed and distant recently."

"Nothings going on for fucks sake. Leave it with me I'll take her to my moms then."

"Ok thank you. I'll keep you updated with what's going on." 

He goes to walk out the door, shouting Leo to hurry up and grabs the kids things.

"Um Dutch are you forgetting something." I say looking perplexed he never leaves without kissing me, in fact I have to usually peel him off my before we are both late.

He comes back and gives me a quick peck and says he will talk to me later. We really do need to talk that's for sure, this past month he has been so down and distant with me, we haven't touched since New Year, since I found out I was expecting again. I thought he was happy, I thought we were happy but I just dont know what's going on with him lately.

Anyway I cant think of that right now, I need to get to the hospital to support my best friend and my cousin on their special day.

I arrive at the hospital and get sent to the maternity suite to see Mike looking stressed to hell, and Emily shouting profanities at him. For such a cute little blonde thing she really has a mouth like a sailor.

"Hey guys never fear Ness is here." I say coming in and kissing my friend and hugging my cousin. "Hows it all going along?"

"Oh just great, apart from I feel like I'm being torn apart and this bastard and his dirty dick are all to blame for my pain and suffering." Emily shouts.

"Yeah we are doing just swell here, I saw you turn into a devil in labour and I thought it was just you being a bitch, didnt realise it happened to every woman." Mike says shaking his head.

"Seriously Ness how could you do this more than once. Are you some kind of sadist?"  She says through gritted teeth. They dont know I'm pregnant again yet as I didnt want to overshadow her pregnancy and birth.

Me and Mike are helping her through it all, and after many hours and having to listen to Emily tell Mike she hates him, wishing for a divorce and telling him that he will never get to have sex with her ever again. We finally get to meet their baby a big bouncing 8lb baby boy who they call Bodhi Barnes I have to laugh at this as point break was always his favourite movie but I never believed he would actually call his son after his favourite character.

I call Dutch and tell him about the new baby in the family and that I would be home soon.

I stay with my friends until I can have a cuddle off my new baby cousin I love him already such a cute little chubster. Then I head home to deal with whatever shit is going on with my husband.

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