Bad News on the doorstep

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May 2009

I'm just enjoying a nice chilled saturday afternoon as Its just me and Ava at home and after a swim in the pool she is now having her afternoon nap when hear my doorbell ring.

I'm surprised to find Johnny and Bobby at the front door.

"Hey guys, hows things, Dutch isnt here, him, Leo and Mike are at the racetrack this weekend."

They share a look between them, that I cant read. "Actually Ness, we have come to talk to you?" Bobby says.

"Oh, ok come in then." I say leading them through the house and sitting outside on the patio as it's such a nice spring day.

"Can I get you guys anything? Beer? Coke? Coffee?" I ask both of them.

"Yeah I'll take a beer" says johnny 

"Nothing for me Ness thanks."

I grab Johnny his beer and grab myself an ice tea.

"So what's going on guys? Not that I'm not grateful to be visited by such handsome men, but I'm guessing this isnt a social call."

"Ness you're not gonna like what we have to say, but you are going to have to hear us out and just let us finish ok?"

"Ok.....come on guys spit it out you are scaring me now?"

Bobby takes a deep breath and then starts "Emily came to me really upset and stressed out and confided in me about something she found out about Mike. She said she knew something was up with him and that he was hiding something from her." I tense up as this all sounds a bit to familiar.

"She said she found wads of cash and drugs hidden in a compartment in their sons wardrobe. When she confronted him with it, he said that he had been smuggling and selling drugs and was cleaning the cash through his and Johnny's dojo."

"Shit, oh my god, Johnny did you have any idea? I mean is this true?" I interject as I'm so shocked.

"Yeah I thought the figures were a bit high, but thought nothing of it until Bobby came to me and told me this. We checked over the books and Mike has definitely been cooking the books for quite awhile now." Johnny shakes his head in disapproval.

"That's awful I'm sorry Johnny, I know he is my cousin but what can I do about it? I cant believe Emily never said anything to me the poor thing."

They give each other that look again. "What, what is it?"

"Emily was scared to tell you, as Mike said this is all Dutchs doing and his idea." Bobby says silently.

"WHAT??? What a crock of shit. She actually said it was Dutchs doing?"

"Ness listen please, Mike told her Dutch had been running drugs from Mexico and was selling them at his race meetings and away weekends for years and has been cleaning money through his shop for ages, it was getting too much for one place so asked Mike to come on board so he could run the extra money through the Dojo, that's why I'm getting out and selling my shares I cant be linked to this." Johnny says.

"So you just fucking believe her, without even talking to Dutch, your best friend since school." I am shaking and have to stand up. "Call Emily and get her here fucking NOW I want to hear it from her"

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