Christmas Time Part one

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December 2018

I have another visit coming up with Dutch and this time I have been given a longer access as it's our anniversary. We have six hours this time and I'm positively giddy they are even allowing us to have food brought in so that we can have an anniversary dinner.

I have told the kids that this time I will be visiting Daddy on my own as it's our anniversary and I want to spend some time just us. But they will be doing the christmas visit as usual which they look forward to every year but I can tell you from a parents/wife's point of view it is literally the most depressing thing ever. Swapping presents, acting happy knowing full well that we cant take Daddy home with us, well he only has one Christmas left in that hell hole and starting from January I'm in proper countdown mode.

I feel good and happy about christmas approaching for the first time in a long time. To top it all off Ali has called me and said she will be in town for christmas as her and her husband have sadly split up and she will be here visiting her family so we have arranged a girly catchup for all of us.

I arrive at Mike and Emily's as they have offered to have the kids for me while I'm on my visit. Ava is excited as she loves her Aunt Emily and is looking forward to a girlie day as promised by her Auntie. The twins are equally excited as they are as crazy as Bodhi and the big kid Mike. Their house is always full of music, fun and noise.

I sit down for a coffee, before I have to leave.

"So prison slut what you got planned for Dutch today? Cops and Robbers? Guard and prisoner?" Emily laughs.

"Ugh gross, I dont want to think of my cousin like that?" Mike says pulling a face.

"Your wife is sick" I say sticking my tongue out at Emily. "I know it's not the most romantic destination for our anniversary and its certainly not one to tell the grandkids about, but I'll have to take what I can get I guess. At least he will be out by our next anniversary."

"Yeah honey, not long left now. In all fairness I cant believe how quick these 10 years have gone?" Emily says.

"Not for me they haven't. I've felt every single friggin second of these 10 years." I say sadly.

"Yeah sorry that was insensitive of me but I still say Dutch is a lucky man to have such an understanding wife. Any other woman would have left his ass long ago, yet throughout you've visited 2 times a week, raised his kids, been faithful and now prison sex I dont know how you find the strength for it." 

"God you make me sound like a right doormat! But I find the strength as I love him and will only love him so what is the point in leaving him I could never be with another man."

"Hmmmmm" they say both exchanging glances.

"What does that mean, I have been faithful throughout." I go on the defensive and actually feel hurt.

"No I  know you have its just me and Mike always thought that you would end up with Bobby, I mean you two have always been close and would make a sweet couple and literally no body would have judged you if you two did make that leap."

"Bobby? I adore Bobby but we are clearly just friends. Imagine me running off with Dutchs best friend jeez." I feel like I'm defending myself way too much now that I sound guilty I quickly change the conversation and before I head off to Lompoc like the good little doormat wife that I am.

I do the usual check in routine and finalize the plans for the food that ive had to order for us. Its cost me an extra $100 for this visit but I dont care i would have paid a million dollars if it meant us having a proper anniversary meal and extended time together. I just cant wait till he can take me out to a proper meal when he gets out of here.

I go into the cabin and wait for him by setting up the table, they wont allow us to have real candles so I've brought in some fake flame ones, they will have to do for now.

Dutch walks in as I'm setting out the plates and balloons they have also allowed me to bring in.

"Wow you really have gone to town haven't you?" He says taking in the sight of the gaudy decor.

"I know, I know its tacky but I wanted to do something special so you didnt think this was any old visit." I say smiling.

"You've got a wonderful woman there Dutch, that's your reason to get out and play straight, you are a lucky lucky man" the guard says finally walking out and leaving us alone.

"Happy 13th Anniversary Babe, unlucky for some but not for us as it will be the last one we spend apart." I say kissing him.

"Happy Anniversary by beautiful wife" he says returning the kiss, but deeper this time. "How long have we got till the food gets here?" He says wiggling his eyebrows.

"Um we have just over an hour." I say checking my watch. "Do you want your gift now or later?"

"Now, of course you know I'm not a patient man."

"Ok then follow me!" I lead him into the bedroom area and tell him to lie down on the bed. "Do you know whats the official gift of 13 years?" He shakes his head and let's me continue. "Its Lace" I say as i remove my dress to show him my red lacy underwear set that I am wearing. 

His jaw nearly hits the floor and I'm so pleased that after 13 years I can still have that affect on him.

I crawl up the bed remove his jeans, and see through his boxers just how much he likes his gift so I put him in my mouth and give him his second present of the day.

After we have pleasured each other with our mouths and tongues, leaving us both in a panting sticky mess. I tell him we have to clean up and get dressed as food will be here soon. We can play again later but as I've spent a fortune on the food we are definitely eating it.

The guard brings in our chinese food, which I take from him and dish up on to plates for us to pick at on the table.

"I know it's nothing special but its the best I could do."  I say.

"Are you kidding me blow jobs and chinese food like food with actual flavour this is the best day ever." He laughs.

"I cant wait till next year when we finally go to a real restaurant, theres a gorgeous italian opened in Malibu and I definitely want to go there. So you better behave next year and get out as I already have it all planned and it's going to be an expensive one for you."

He laughs at this. "I dont doubt that for a second but your worth it. I cant believe we have made it to 13 years. You really are an amazing woman, I dont know what I did to deserve you but when I'm out I'll do everything in my power to repay you for your kindness and support."

"Ah Babe, you just being out and us being a family is more thank you then I'll ever need. I just want you to stay out of trouble so we can grow old together surrounded by our grandkids." I say getting misty eyed at this.

"I will I promise you I'll never let you down again." And I may be a fool but I truly believe him.

We finish dinner and clear up, then head to the bedroom to lie down after our feast. I just lie on his chest feeling his heart beat with my hand under his shirt tracing circles on his skin as we are talking about the kids, Christmas, and all the things we can do when he is finally out. 

It's starting to feel real to me now, the end is in sight and I just cant wait to have him home with me and I do feel a calm come over me. 

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