Bachelor Party Dramas!

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Jan 2020

It's the now the new year and Bobby is getting married in a weeks time. Since we kissed and had our talk things have actually been good between us, we are getting on better and we both seem to have moved past our feelings and embraced our own happy relationships.

Me and Emily have been invited on Angela's bacerlotte party at her friends house. I feel weird and guilty being here but not accepting her invite would have given off the wrong signals. We could see that it wasnt going to be a regular party as all these ladies were strict Christians so this wasnt going to be a booze fuelled, talking about sex and dicks kind of night.

She even calls it a bridal shower so we arent under any false pretence of what this is. Emily is furious and I can tell that she would rather be anywhere else than with these stuffy women.

"Ugh my bachelorette party was better than this." She scoffs into her teacup quietly,( yeah it's an afternoon english tea theme)

"Um which one, you've had three" I say mocking her, making us both giggle.

"The guys are going to have a fun one, they are arranging to take Bobby to a strip club tomorrow lucky bastards, cant we just join them guys?"

"No we cant, so shut up drink your tea and eat your finger sandwich." I say stuffing a cake into my mouth.

We have to sit through hours of party games all PG of course, while all making polite conversation. We are so out of our depth and I know we were only invited because Bobby told her to invite us.

" So how do you two know the bride and groom? I've never seen either of you at church." Some snooty old woman asks who I soon realise is Angela's mom.

"I go sometimes with my kids." I dont know why I'm defending myself to her but her attitude and judgemental eye has put me on the back foot. "but that's not how we know Bobby, we all went to school together and our husbands are friends, so we have known each other for years."

"Oh I see and which one of you was Bobby's high school sweetheart?" Another one asks, and they all seem intrigued by this and stop to listen to this conversation.

"That would be me." Emily says proudly.

"Oh isnt it weird to be here? And for you Angela?" Miss snooty pants clearly trying to stir shit.

"Why would it be?, I've dated many, many men since Bobby and been married 3 times so think I'm cool with seeing Bobby getting married." As she is met with shocked looks me and Angela burst out laughing typical Emily not giving a crap.

The rest of the day goes ok but im so pleased when Angela calls it a night so we can finally leave.

Me and Emily get back to mine where Mike has been chilling with Dutch while we were out, We go and join them in the den where they are drinking whiskey and clearly quite tipsy already.

"Hey girls, how was your Christian shindig." Mike says laughing.

"Exactly as exciting as you would imagine it would be." Emily says kissing her husband, "Where are the boys?"

"upstairs playing video games im guessing." Dutch says, "come here beautiful," he says motioning for me to sit on his lap.

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