Twin Arrival and some bad news.

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September 2009

Its 2 weeks until Dutch and Mike's trial and I'm feeling so Ill about it especially as that's about my due date and I cant look forward to the birth of our twins when all I'm thinking about is losing my husband.

There is a knock at my door and it's my parents, who I haven't seen since Avas birthday, and they have been surprisingly quiet about all this that's going on.

"Hey guys come in, can I get you some coffee or anything?"

"Vanessa are you on your own?" My dad asks as they step in.

"No Dutch is in the garage with his Dad and Eve is in the swimming pool with Ava and Leo. Why?"

"We really need to talk to you in private as we are really worried about you and the kids." I take them into the den area as I know we wont be disturbed in there for awhile.

"Vanessa we have been looking into Chad's case and it looks really bad for him, we think you should really distance yourself from it all before it gets bad and you and the kids are dragged down with him." My dad says.

"Wait, what do you mean distance myself, he is my husband and the father of my kids, how can I distance myself."

"Well we have got a friend who is a great divorce lawyer and then you can get ahead of all this, tell everyone you knew nothing about it, play the betrayed wife so you can save face" my mom pipes up.

"What are you both fucking crazy, I'm not abandoning my husband when he needs me the most, thats your answer to everything isnt it just walk away, when the people you love are at their lowest point."

"Come on Vanessa think of your future, think of your kids futures, you cant be married to a criminal, are you going to spend the rest of you life visiting him in prison he is looking at serious time, what example is that to set to your daughter." She continues.

"Look I love him and I will stand by and defend him every step of the fucking way, and my kids will see that I'm a loyal caring wife who will stand by everyone no matter what their faults are." Im so angry now.

"Well Vanessa we have tried to help you and to help you out of this, I really feel sorry for you and your kids that he has got you so brainwashed. I told you all those years ago no good would ever come from loving that boy and we have been proven right again" she looks at my dad and throws her hands up in despair "Well you have to understand that we cant stand by him or you if you choose  to defend him as this is going to get so messy, everyone is talking about it."

I burst out laughing. "What a surprise, you are turning your back on me and my family again when we need supporting the most, coz you are worried about your precious reputations, you two are really unbelievable, just get out of my house, I never want to see either of you two ever again." 

They both leave and I hear them slam the door as they are muttering about how unreasonable I am. I sit there in tears, getting really worked up about everything that's just happened. So much so that I start to feel twinges in my stomach. I tell myself to relax and breathe I'm just stressed this isnt happening now I'll sit here as long as I can and just breathe.

"Vanessa, are you in here?" Eve calls out to me as she walks In to the den. "Dinner is ready, I've been calling you for ages are you ok?"

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