Cobra Kai is back!

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3 years have passed since that fateful night between me and Luke and so much has changed since then, it did give me a serious wakeup call though. I never told anyone about the kiss, I know that's a pretty shitty secret to keep but I thought no good would come of telling Dutch it would only drive him insane while he was in prison.

Plus no more actually came of it, not for the lack of trying on Luke's part, things were awkward between us so much so that I asked to be transfered to a different part of the hospital so I would no longer be on shifts with him. I had to admit to myself that I did like Luke, like really like him and I could have allowed things to go further that night and beyond but that would have been the end for me and Dutch, he would never have forgiven me for that and I just  wasnt ready to lose my husband.

However now Luke is engaged to one of the nurses at the hospital it does hurt abit as it makes me think what if and what could have been. I was at a crossroads that night and whatever decision I made would have had serious consequences.

If I went with Luke I have no doubt he could have made me happy as he was right we did have a lot in common and in another time or place we would have been a perfect couple. But I didnt, once again I chose Dutch which wasnt the easy choice but it's the choice my heart always makes I know I set myself up for heartache but my heart belongs to Dutch and there is nothing I can do about it.

September 2017

I'm on my way back from the hospital and I'm now having to run a few errands down town, I'm dropping some of Emily's things back to her. Emily, Mike and Bodhi have just moved out of my house to a place in Reseda and I miss them terribly. But it's not like my house is ever quiet with 4 crazy kids still running around but I do miss the adult company and having a man around the house.

I drop off their final box of items and then head back across town as I pass the strip mall I see a familiar sign that stops me in my tracks. Cobra kai what the fuck... my curiosity gets the better of me and I have to pull in and see who is running the business now.

I walk into the dojo and I'm greeted by a cute looking Hispanic boy carrying a mop and bucket.

"Hi can I help you?" He asks politely.

"Hey yeah, can you tell me who runs this dojo?" I say while taking a look around, it's crazy it's like stepping into a time machine. The same writing on the wall, same mats in the corner, just like when I used to meet Dutch after practice.

"Miguel who is it?" And then Johnny appears from the back wearing his black gi and a black headband.

"Oh my god Johnny Lawrence is that you?" I walk over to him and he embraces me in a strong hug. I've hardly seen Johnny in the past 3 years, I heard he had been in trouble alot and was an alcoholic according to Bobby, but he looked pretty good now I'm looking at him.

"Vanessa wow, you look great! Miguel this is my old school friend Vanessa, she is married to one of the most badass guys you could ever meet and one of the original Cobra Kais." I smile at this.

"Hi Miguel, nice to meet you" I say shaking his hand. 

"So Johnny you've brought Cobra Kai back really?" I'm bemused by this all.

He quickly tells me about Cobra Kai and then says. "Why dont we have a catch up, are you free for a drink now?"

"I cant I've got to get back for the kids and relieve my mother in law from babysitting duty, but why dont you come over for dinner tonight?"

"Ok yeah I'll like that, I'll drop Miguel home and then I'll head over tonight."

"Do you remember where I live or do you need a map?" I say sarcastically. This makes him laugh I say goodbye and arrange to see him later.

When I tell the kids that uncle Johnny is coming over for dinner they are shocked. Bobby still comes over once a week for dinner and he visits Dutch in jail but as far as I know the others dont visit or write to him anymore and I rarely see them.

Johnny arrives, as I'm just finishing off making the salad to go with our lasagne. "Hey Johnny come in, make yourself at home, do you want a beer?"

He sits down at the table and he cant believe how big the kids are and just how much the twins look like Dutch. I ask him to tell me all about Cobra Kai and why he has decided to bring it back.

He tells me the whole story and what lead him to this point in his life. "I cant believe you have started Karate again, but I hope it works out for you and you get some good students and dont even look In the direction of my son remember how bad that went last time." I said taking a sip of my wine.

"To be fair that was your cousin and husband that messed that up not me, and it feels good and different this time my mind is in a different place."

"Well good for you Sensei Lawrence I really hope it all works out for you, you deserve it."

"To Cobra Kai" I say raising my glass and Johnny does the same.

December 2017

I've been seeing Johnny around and checking in with him on the phone every so often. Leo has also been filling me in on the gossip from school. Johnny's number 1 student took on the bullies at school and caused quite a scene a school but it helped get Johnny loads of new students.

Today me and the kids are going to the all valley u17 karate tournament to cheer on Johnny and Cobra Kai. It really brought back memories for me of being here with Dutch.

Remembering his loss to Daniel, me being secretly pregnant and then our breakup following a row in the carpark. Ava snaps me out of my not so pleasant trip down memory lane to tell me Uncle Johnny was waving over at us.

I gave him a thumbs up and the kids all cheered for him and then I'm shocked to see the Larussos all enter the arena and take a seat too. Wow I didnt expect that at all. 

I tap Daniel on his shoulder and say hi, he is also shocked to see me "Hi Vanessa, wow how are you?, I'm guessing you're here to cheer on Johnny?"

"Yeah he invited us all down, I didnt know you would be here, jeez I didn't think I would be here, I haven't been at a tournament since the one in 84" I say raising my eyebrows.

"Oh dear dont bring that." Amanda says rolling her eyes.

Daniel looks at the kids sitting by me "Wow they really are his mini me's arent they." I smile at my boys and I notice Daniel nor Amanda ask about Dutch which tells they already know where he is. As I said gossip spreads fast in the Valley.

The tournament starts and I see Johnny hasnt really learnt much, his students just seem as ruthless and vicious as Johnny and the gang were back in the 80s.

Then I see that the boy fighting on the other side is Robby, as in Johnny's son Robby, what the hell is this.

I can see there is still bad blood on all sides here, especially when Daniel gets involved and goes to support Robby. Right I have clearly missed something here, and Johnny has some seriously explaining to do later.

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