Time to heal

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It's been two weeks since I last saw Dutch, he has been living at Johnny's since then and has only been back to the house when I'm out to grab some of his things.

Neither of us went to Bobby's wedding it would have just been too weird, the other guys went but I've also been avoiding them too I just cant deal with anybody and their judging, I've become a hermit only leaving the house for school runs and work, I'm still hurting too much to deal with anything else.

I've picked the twins up from school and I'm waiting for Leo to get back with Ava as he promised to pick her up from school for me.

I'm preparing our dinner of meatballs and spaghetti when Leo walks through the door alone.

"Um Leo have you forgot someone?" I ask looking confused.

"Yeah Ava asked if I would drop her around to uncle Johnny's so that she could see Dutch, sorry." He walks in and throws his keys and stuff on the kitchen side and goes to grab a coke from the fridge. "Sorry should I have told you first."

"No its ok sweetie, she has every right to go see her Dad." I say slightly disappointed.

"Mom are you ok? You've been avoiding everyone since Dutch moved out."

"He hasnt moved out?" I say shout defensively "sorry for snapping but yeah I cant deal with anyone right now, I dont want everyone getting involved with my life, Ava hates me, his parents hate me, his friends hate me, I've screwed up big time Leo."

"Ava doesn't hate you, she has just always been a daddy's girl and she just misses him and doesn't understand what's going on. Also I spoke to Nanna Eve and shes upset that you wont talk to her, she wants to help out but your wont let her. I mean are you really shutting everyone out because you and Bobby kissed."

"I'm not discussing that with you, but yeah Dutch is hurting and it's my fault and I dont know how to fix it and it's just so unfair as he messes up big time which affects all our lives and I'm left here bringing up you guys on my own, then he comes out I screw up and everyone turns on me and he is still mr perfect can do no wrong. Ava makes out I'm so evil she wont even talk to me as she thinks I've pushed her dad away."

"Look your not gonna fix this quickly as Dutch is really really hurting but he will come round soon and as for Ava give her time she is young and doesn't understand relationships and she just wants to see her mom and dad back together and happy."

"When did you get so wise?" I say as I start dishing up the dinner for just the four of us.

"I take after you I guess." He says smiling.

"Are you sure that youre going to be ok watching the kids while I'm at work?"

"Yeah of course I'll chill out here tonight it will be fine."

"Well when I'm gone will you call Dutch and ask him to bring Ava back tonight as she has dance class in the morning and I've left a few jobs for you to do for me if you dont mind."

"Yeah sure Mom of course I will, I'll clean up after dinner as well."

I finish getting ready, say goodbye to the twins and go to head to my night shift. 

"Have a good night Mom, be safe ok and dont worry about the kids and the house I've got it sorted."

"Thanks honey." I then head off to the hospital and glad that I've got somewhere else to go to distract me from the shit that is my life.

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