Bobby The Peacekeeper

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May 2009

"Yeah she is here, shes not in a good way Dutch, so just let her cool off but you know her and the kids are safe here with me." I hear Bobby talking quietly on the phone to Dutch as I come down the stairs, I had just got the kids asleep and settled in Bobby's spare room.

Dutch had been calling my mobile nonstop for about the last 2 hours when me and the kids hadn't returned home so I knew Bobby would want to let him know that we are ok and with him. Bobby forever the caring peacekeepers.

"Thanks for that Bobby, I appreciate you covering for me, I just need time to think about what I need to do next. I wont be here long just a day or two tops, its Leo's birthday in a few days and we had a big party planned I just dont know what to do, I had all these plans and I thought my life was so fucking perfect...." I trail off as I start to cry.

"I'm sorry Ness I feel so guilty but I had to tell you the truth, have you spoke to Emily yet?"

"No, I'm way to upset by all this, I just can deal with her and Mike right now I feel just totally betrayed by everyone I love."

"Well you can stay here as long as you need to, but you do need to talk to him and sort this out. I dont approve of what he is doing and dont condone his behaviour at all but he is your husband and you do need to work out what happens next."

"I know it's just that emotions were too high and the kids heard and saw us arguing and I dont want that. Plus I just found out that I'm expecting twins and I'm so annoyed at that asshole if he went to prison or got taken away from us what happens to me and the kids. He never gave us a single thought he is selfish and just cares about himself and money."

"Twins, wow that's amazing but I can see why you are so upset with him them. Ah Ness this really is a mess, damn I wanna give Dutch a good slap. I mean I love the guy but I dont get it, why would someone who has everything risk losing it all. Him and Mike are ridiculously stupid. Johnny has quit the dojo and has got lawyers involved to sell his shares in the dojo back to Mike so he has no ties to it at all."

"Yeah good for Johnny, its not that easy for me just to cut ties and walk away. I still dont get it though? Why would he do this? We dont need the money. Our house is paid for, we live comfortably, we have a decent amount of savings which now I'm thinking is all drug money and I dont want to touch it, everything is tainted by it. It just makes no sense?"

"This is why you need to talk to him, Dutch has always loved danger and can never keep himself out of trouble for very long but I thought when he got you back he would change and settle down." He says shaking his head.

"Yeah me too Bobby, me too?" I sit next to him on the sofa and he puts a film on for us to watch, I snuggle up to him resting my head on his shoulder, as he puts his arm around me for comfort. I must have fallen asleep with exhaustion as when I wake up Bobby Is gone, it's dark and I realise I have a blanket over me. Bless his heart, he is such a good friend and I hate the the fact that I only seem to come to him when trouble is brewing.

Its 5am and I cant go back to sleep so I get up and go sit outside in Bobby's garden watching the sunrise. Leo is the first one up and comes out to find me. "Come here little man, come give me a cuddle, Mommy really needs a Leo cuddle right now." He can clearly see that I'm crying.

"Mom are you and Dutch going to get a divorce?"

"What no baby? What makes you say that?"

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