Time to clean up the mess that I created!

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About an hour later, Mike arrives back at the house, Emily answers the door and leads him out to the garden where I'm still sobbing like the pathetic baby that I am.

"Fucking hell cuz you could have given me a heads up or something. Did you know?" He says turning to Emily.

"No of course I didnt, I found out tonight when Angela turned up here to talk to Ness" she says looking exhausted by it all.

"Angela's been here! Wow it all really went down tonight didnt it? As I said you could have warned me." He says now sitting down by me and putting a comforting arm around my shoulder.

"What good would it have done even if you guys had known, I was just ashamed to tell anyone especially you two." I lean into his shoulder as I continue to silently sob.

"What good would it have done? Oh I dont know I could have stepped in and talked to Dutch or given Bobby a slap for even thinking that tonight was a good night to confess all his sins." He shakes his head and then starts stroking my hair to calm me down. "You did a shitty shitty thing, but at least it's out in the open now and you and Bobby have to do all you can to repair the damage you've done."

"What happened anyway? Is Dutch ok?" I say wiping the tears away and turn myself so I'm facing Mike.

"No of course he is not ok, he just found out you cheated on him with his best friend and now he is banged up again how could he be ok?"

Emily slaps Mike hard "For fuck sake Mike, have some tact here." 

"Tact, we are way passed tact here Em, Sorry Ness I love you but you really screwed up on this one."

He takes a deep sigh and then continues his story "I dont actually know what happened between them as we weren't there when the fight broke out. But Dutch was being a dick to Bobby all night making digs about you and him saying shit like 'you'll make a great family man as you had enough practice with mine.' Dumb shit like that all night long and I could see it took all Bobby's strength to bite his tongue."

"Typical childish Dutch!" Emily interjects "sorry Mike continue."

"Well after everyone had, had a few drinks Dutch went out for a cigarette and Bobby followed him the  next thing we know one of the dancers came and told us that our friends were fighting outside, so me Johnny and Jimmy ran to stop them. When we got outside Dutch was just laying into Bobby and shouting about him kissing you and being in love with you, then the next thing we know the cops were called and arrested them both for being drunk and disorderly and disturbing the peace."

"Dutch is going to hate me, he is going to leave me I know it." Starting to sob again.

"No way he loves you so much honey, and when he calms down you guys can work this out." Emily tries to comfort me but its fruitless I know Dutch he will never forgive me for this, that guy can hold a grudge.

The next morning I wake up early after a really restless sleep and go to knock on the guest bedroom door when Emily and Mike stayed the night.

I enter the room after they call me in, they are both still under the covers and Mike looks really hungover and is drifting in and out of sleep as I try to talk to Emily.

"Morning guys, sorry to ask but would you be ok staying here for a bit, I'm going to pick Dutch up now and I dont want to come straight back here as I dont want the kids to hear us arguing."

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