Christmas Time Part two

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I walk into Barbara's house and the other girls are already there.

"Ali honey, ah I've missed you so much." I say squeezing her tight, "I'm so sorry about you two getting a divorce, you deserve much more anyway."

We all sit down as Barbara has prepared us a afternoon tea with mimosas so I'm happy. We catch up on all we have missed, I tell the guys about Dutchs release date and our conjugal visits which makes them a laugh but I do spare them the gory details.

Ali tells us about her date with Johnny, which I have mixed feelings about as I really like Carmen but I know Johnny and Ali have always had this connection dating back to when we were kids.

"Yeah well at the end of it, he said he was really into this woman he was seeing called Carmen and left to be with her."

"Wow what a dick move." Susan says

"Yeah I've met Carmen and her son Miguel and I really like both of them and I think she is good for Johnny, so I don't get why he did go on a date with you, but I guess youre Ali all those past feelings do come flooding back, I know that better than anyone." I say holding her hand.

"Vanessa have you thought what's going to happen when Dutch comes out of prison, life is going to be ber different for all of you." Emily says "it was hard for Mike to readjust and he wasnt in there as long as Dutch has been."

"Yeah I mean, I would love to move away from here and start afresh, but that's not possible as he will be on probation for a bit, but I think for awhile that will be for the best as he will need his friends around him."

"Yeah he will need his friends around him and all the support that he can get in those first few months. I swear he better keep on the straight path or I will kick his ass if he messes this up again." Emily says smiling at me.

The conversation gets lighter, talking about Christmas and what all our plans are. I tell them that I'll be spending my last Christmas without Dutch with his parents, Mike, Emily and Bobby will be joining us too, I invited Ali to join us as I hate to think of her without her kids but she is happy just being with her parents this year.

We finish up, thank Barabara for her hospitality and arrange to meet up at Susan's New Year party before Ali has to head back to Denver.

Its Christmas Eve, and me and the kids head up to Lompoc early for present swap day even Leo is joining us today.

We arrive at the prison go through the checks, and then head into the main hall which is extra noisy with all the kids and families visiting.

I see Dutch sitting at his table, he always looks nervous looking at the door as if we wouldnt ever turn up for him.

Ava runs over to him and cuddles him, It always chokes me how emotional he gets when he hugs the kids, especially Ava.

"Hey Babe, Merry Christmas." He says pulling me to him for a brief cuddle and a peck on the lips. Which doesn't feel as bad anymore nie that I know that I can kiss and do other things with him every other month.

"Merry Christmas handsome." We all sit down at the table after we have all taken it in turns to give him a cuddle. "I have given the guards your presents, it's only little trinkets from me and the kids."

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