
205 5 0

August 2018

I arrive at the hospital, for my shift and go get changed I head up to the wards and go check on Tommy who has been admitted to our hospital a few weeks back now.

He has cancer and his symptoms are worsening. "Hey Tommy, just popping in to say hi before I carry on my rounds." Me and Tommy may have never been close but I have known him since I was 17 and he is one of my husbands best friends, so naturally I care deeply for him.

"Hey Nessa" he says looking from the sport on the t.v to look at me. "Hows Dutch doing?" I told him I would be visiting today but not the nature of my visit obviously. 

"He is ok, we are on the countdown to his release now and I couldnt be happier for me and the kids." I smile at him, I check his charts and see his vitals are slipping it doesn't look good and he doesn't look very good either, the colour seems to be draining from his face and he has definitely lost weight rapidly since he arrived here.

"I'm pleased for you, I hope he just learns to behave when he comes out, life is too short and you deserve a happy ending after all this." I squeeze his hand and thank him. I tell him I'll visit again soon and carry on my rounds. 

As I leave the room I call Bobby and tell him that Tommy is in a bad way and that he should tell the guys to come and visit asap before it's too late.

I'm 2 hours into my shift when Luke comes to see me, we are quite cordial now even though there is still a slight awkwardness between us and he knows that I try to avoid being left alone with him at any point.

"Vanessa, your friend with cancer has gone."

"What? What do you mean gone?" I'm shocked and confused.

"He had 3 visitors early and now he has gone they all have, the staff are going crazy as they dont know how he even managed to sneak out without them seeing him."

"Shit! I think I know what happened. Them stupid bastards, excuse me Luke, thanks for telling me." I go to grab my phone and finally get through to Bobby.

"Where the hell are you and where is Tommy?" I cant believe they would do this.

"Now Vanessa calm down, you were right he is in a bad way and hasnt got long left and he didnt just want to rot in hospital so we have all took him for one last ride and night out."

"I get it, I do but this is so unethical he is a terminally ill man and should be here, just take care of him ok Bobby, send him my love and take care of each other and I'll see you in a couple of days ok?"

"Ok Ness, thank you, I'll see you when I get back ok." We hang up and I shake my head I should really report this but who I am to steal away a dying mans last days of fun on this earth. If he wants to be with his friends then so be it.

The next day, I'm just getting showered and ready as the kids are playing out in the pool when I hear my front door banging.

I run downstairs as I know the kids wont get it and I answer the door to see Bobby standing there, looking like a broken man and I know that the worst has happened.

I call him in and embrace him as he sobs. We just stand in the hallway crying and hugging each other for ages.

"You did the right thing then Bobby, you guys have given him one more great day as a Cobra you should be pleased with yourselves."

"Yeah we are trying to tell ourselves that and then notify everyone we know, the guys are a mess though."

"Shit I've got to tell Dutch, He will be distraught that he wasnt there and that he will now miss the funeral too." I know Dutch will be devastated that once again his stupidity meant that he will be missing another huge life event that he should be here for the poor guy is going to crack.

Its the day of Tommy's funeral and me and the kids are all dressed and ready to go, I've allowed the kids to go as they have known Tommy for most of their lives so only fair to allow them to go, to say goodbye.

We have a great send off where Bobby makes a lovely speech about Tommy. Then we all go to a bar where they have rented space for the wake. It's great everyone shares funny stories about Tommy and we all remember him with fondness.

After the wake I ask Bobby to come back with us so he isnt on his own, he really is in a bad way. It's the least I can do he is always there for me whenever I have needed him.

Plus everyone else has other plans Johnny tells us he has a date with Miguel's mom which is very interesting but good for him he needs a decent woman to keep him in check.

After I put the youngest kids to bed and Leo goes to his room to play on his computer, I crack open a bottle of wine and take the two glasses outside where Bobby is sitting by the pool.

"How you holding up Bobby?" I ask giving him a smile.

"Not great, I just cant believe he has gone Nessa, how can it be that I'm never going to see or speak to him again."

"I know Bobby, it's hard really hard to deal with. But we will get through it together we always do, I'm here whenever you need me." I rest my head on his shoulder. We sit like that for awhile in silence just drinking the wine.

"Right Bobby, I better go to bed it's late, the kids are back at school tomorrow and Leo's starting college." I say standing up. "You just make yourself at home, and you know which room your staying in dont you?"

Bobby stand ups, swaying and gives me a hug as he pulls away, he just stares at me with an odd look on his face and then he goes to kiss me on my lips. I turn my head last minute so he catches my cheek, he notices my awkwardness as I pull away quickly.

"Sorry Vanessa, I didnt mean anything by that, I dont know what I was thinking."

"Its ok." I say shaking my head "you're upset, we've had a drink, it's nothing dont worry. Night Bobby I'll see you in the morning."

"Are you going to tell Dutch, he will kill me." He says looking worried.

"Tell Dutch what? That you kissed me on the cheek not exactly a scandal." I smile sweetly and carry on inside and leave him to it. I do feel awkward though ah well that's definitely a conversation for another time and place.

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