Fun prison visits

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January 2018

I get to Dutchs table at Lompoc and I can see he is beaming from ear to ear and in a really good mood.

He squeezes me tight and grips my hand tight as I sit down.

"Babe I've got some amazing news." He is practically bouncing in his seat I haven't seen him like this since before he was incarcerated.

"What, tell me? What's got you so excited." I say loving the way his face is lighting up.

"I had a meeting yesterday and if I continue with my clean record in here I'll be eligible for release in December 2019 so only 23 months to go"

"Oh my god, it's so nice to have a date to count down too, oh babe I'm so pleased. Just stick to it then we are on the homestrech now." I kiss his hand quickly and squeeze it tight.

He gives me that gorgeous lopsided smile "That's not all, as I'm now in my final years here, they want to help me reconnect with my family so it's not too much of a shock for us all on the outside and it will give me something to aim for and behave for. They are going to allow me Conjugal visits."

"WHAT!!! Are you shitting me" I nearly scream and then get embarrassed as other people turn to look at our table.

Dutch let's out that chuckle that drives me wild. "No I am not, ill be getting one every other month if I keep my record clean that is and it increases in hours as i get closer to release. It's not just for me and you, it's also so I can spend time with the kids alone without prying eyes. It's in one of those cabins you see as you walk in, 3 hours initially but in my final year I could get up to 48 hours with you guys."

I start to cry now the thought of being able to hold him and spend the night with him after all this time is just too overwhelming. "Sorry it's just too much to take in I cant believe this, I mean dont get me wrong I cant wait to touch and kiss you again but it will be great to spend time alone as a family, the kids are gonna go wild especially Ava."

"I know and I dont want to sound like a shitty dad but I think the first one I'm granted should just be between us, I really think we need it." He says looking at me hopefully.

"I know I totally agree, when do you think that will be?" He laughs at my eagerness.

"Not sure yet, they just said sometime this year, things have got to be worked out between me and you and I have to meet certain criteria before they can go ahead with it. But If I know its going to happen at least I know I have something to look forward to."

"I love you so much Dutch."

"I love you too."

I leave in a better mood today as I know the end is in sight and finally good things are coming our way. I knew I was right to hold on and wait for my man.

August 2018

Me and Emily are having Lunch out at a little french bistro in town.

"I cant believe you and Dutch have your first conjugal this month, I still think its hilarious, like a porno." She bursts out laughing. Its took ages to get his visits granted both of us having to go through rigorous checks.

"You're telling me if you had the chance while Mike was in there that you wouldnt do it?"

"Oh shit yeah I would have, but we never had the option as Mike didnt know how to behave. Dont you think it will be weird, you haven't even kissed him for nearly 10 years let alone touched his dick."

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