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February 2014

I'm just finishing getting the twins ready to go visit their Daddy when there is a knock at the door. "Leo can you get that please." I shout down the stairs. I know it will only be Leo's Dad, my deadbeat ex Danny. Leo will be going to stay with his dad in Denver for the next week. 

I cant stand talking to Danny as he just loves the fact that Dutch has fucked up and is in prison and my perfect life came crashing down around me. Especially now that he is married to one of the girls he was cheating on me with Kelly the waitress from the dive bar in my old town and they have a baby daughter and another one on the way. Oh yes he just loves it.

I shoo the kids down the stairs and tell them to be prepared to leave in 30 minutes. "Hey Nessa, you are all up and dressed early on a sunday, ah is it family day up at Lompoc so cute."

"Dont start Danny, I can't deal with your shit today."

"Yeah guys please dont fight" Leo says and that stops our bitchy bitterness in its tracks I dont want to fight around him.

"We arent fighting, I just still think your mom is crazy for staying with a guy like that, she had a way out and never took it, I mean she left me for alot less." 

I laugh "Um I left you as you cheated on me at every chance you got, and then attacked me, Dutch messed up but he would never hurt me."

"Whatever I dont remember it like that." Danny says shrugging.

I ignore him and turn to Leo I give him instructions and warnings for the week to behave etc, but he is a good kid and he loves his huge big blended family and even loves his new stepmom which grinds me a bit but it's better than her being horrible to him, I know he is in safe hands.

I wave them off and then load the kids in the car, it does hurt me when I look at our 3 kids they are so much like Dutch, it hurts especially the twins Dom and Gabe, and It hurts my soul that their life should have been so different if Dutch hadn't have messed up, instead they have to make do with a one hour visit a week with their Daddy.

We arrive at Lompoc after a torturous 2 hour drive where the twins keep winding up Ava and I have to threaten them every 10 minutes.

We go through security and Pete the guard says that he has a treat waiting for them when they leave here. Its always the same chocolate bar, but he is sweetie and it's the thought that counts.

We walk in, and the kids run to their Daddy and give him a cuddle, then it's my turn, but he seems a little cold with me today no kiss for me just a hug. Ava sits on her Daddys lap as she always does as the boys go to play in the little area by the tables that set up for kids. I go to grab his hand and he pulls away making out he is hugging Ava but there was a definite snub there.

"Is everything ok?, has something happened?" I ask him.

"I dont know, something you want to tell me?" He looks at me blankly and I'm actually baffled by what could be going on.

"No, Look Dutch if you've got something to say, just say it? We only have an hour together and I dont want to play games."

"Johnny came to see me on Friday, and he said he bumped into you at the hospital and some guy was all over you. Some tall pretty boy, is something going on?"

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