Chapter 23- The Hell You are Forsythe

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May 2, 2019 4:35 pm
Jughead POV

I was laying on my bed with my headphones in. I feel someone sit on my lap and take my headphones out.

"Juggie I have to talk to you" Betty says.

"But I'd rather much feel" I say and kiss her neck.

"Juggie seriously" Betty says.

"Okay talk" I smile and lean back.

"Okay so the other day I was thinking about what you were saying. And I went online and did some research and came across a surgery. They do it right here in New York and has a 55% chance of working."

"Betty I can't do that surgery" I say.

She gets off my lap "What why".

"Because Betty everyone is telling me to do it and its not worth it if it doesn't work. I'll id have done is waste peoples money and time and its not worth it" I say.

"Okay so its not worth it to see your family again?" Betty says. she sounds like she's getting mad.

"No B not-"

"So its not worth it to be able to read and write again. maybe finish your book and get it published. Or being able to see me your girlfriend of 2 years Jug. and you lied to me!" Betty yells that last part.

"How did I lie to you?" I say

"You told me there was no way you could see. knowing damn well that there was a surgery that could work Jug!" she yells.

"Okay Betty its what ever I'm not getting the damn surgery" I say.

"The hell you are Forsythe" betty says.

"Betty its my decision to make" I say.

"Okay fine if you wanna sit here...and pout how you can't do the shit you wish you could do. Do it I'm done Jug. I'm tired Jug I've went above and beyond for you.

I gave up things for you and now that there is something that can help you, you want to say no. So if this is...if this is you final decision I'm sorry Jug. I'm breaking up with you" Betty says.

"Betty" I say and I hear my door slam shut.

"Fuck" I sigh and lay down.

May 2, 2019 4:47 pm

I walk into the house and hear arguing.

"Who the hell are yelling?" I ask.

"Betty and Jughead" jellybean says. she and Toni are sitting at the table in the kitchen.

"And none of you are gonna stop them?"

"She found out about The surgery" Toni says.

"What he never told her" I ask and sit down with them.

"I guess not the other day she told me to come over and she told me about it." Toni says. Then I hear I door slam. Betty comes straight downstairs and out the door.

"Damn he must've pissed her off" Jellybean says.

"Jellybean stop" I say and go to check on Jughead.

"Hey Jug" I say

"Go away. I know what you guys are gonna say so just please go an leave me alone" he says.


"Dad please just go" He says and I leave the room.

524 words

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