⚠️Chapter 31- You Guys Suck Ass⚠️

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Y'all see my painting👆👆
Low key best piece I've ever done

May 24, 2019       12:34 pm
Jughead POV

I'm moving in with Betty today. My dad is helping me with my stuff.

"Son I have to tell you something."

"What's up" I say and grab a box out of the car.

"Your mom and I are moving back down to riverdale" he says.

"Okay that's fine dad. You guys only moved here because I went blind" I say.

"Okay your mother thought you were going to upset" he says and we walk to the elevator.

"Betty and I are gonna go down to Riverdale soon. She wants to get Pops"

He chuckles "I mean that's a reason we're moving back down"

"Maybe when Betty can get a break we'll move back down"

"You mean after you propose" he says.

"Yeah or after we get married if she even says yes" I say.

"Jug there is no way she won't say yes. You're a good looking young man. You're nice and she loves you" he says and opens the door to Betty's apartment.

"You guys suck ass" Betty groans.

"Says the person we're beating" Reggie says. They're playing video games.

I put the box on the floor. "Hi bab—"

"I'm trying to play a game Jug" she says.

"Betty you're aren't even in the competition.  It's only me and Reggie"

"Yep and I'm about to win" Reggie says.
Then he kills Sweet Pea's character.

"Damn it" he sighs.

"Wait why didn't it st—" Then Betty Kills Reggie.

"Yess finally" Betty smiles.

"How do— I thought you killed her!" Sweet pea yells at Reggie.

"I thought you did"

"I won haha" Betty laughs and then kisses me.

"You shaved" she pouts.

"I did it this morning. I'm growing it out again but I missed not sleeping next to you" I whisper to her.

"Well you can tonight since you're packed and already moving in." Betty says. I smirk at her and raise my eyebrow.

"No Jug we are just sleeping"

"Come on" I whine and sit down.

"Boy you got three more boxes out there" my dad says and sits next to me.

"Dad I'm as tired as you are"

"Reggie, Sweet Pea be a peach and go get the last boxes" I smiles.

"You're lucky you just got surgery" Reggie says.

May 19, 2019           8:32 pm
Betty POV

Jug and I are in bed. Reggie and Sweet pea went out with Kevin and fangs to get drinks at a bar.

Jughead starts kissing my neck.

"Juggie what"

"Babe you know what I want. We haven't had sex in like a long time. The guys literally went out so we can have alone time. And Jack is getting restless" he says. Jack is...Jack is Jughead's name for...his name for his uhh. His...you know.

I laugh "Seriously Jug"

"Yeah Babe I wanna see your boobies" he smiles.

"Jug! Stop alright" I laugh and give him a kiss. He pulls me closer. I wrap my arms around his neck.

Then he rolls us over. So that I'm laying down under him. He kisses my neck and starts to pull my shirt off. Then my front door opens.

"Betty! I know your here!" I hear Nick say. Jug jumps and looks at me.

"Who is that?" He asks.

"Nick, he's here" I say. We stand up and walk out of the bedroom. Nick is standing at the kitchen counter grinning.

"What do you want?" I say.

"I want you dead Elizabeth".

"Well that's not gonna happen" Jughead says.

He laughs "Yeah like her blind boyfriend can do something to me"

Jughead let's go of my hand and walks closer to Nick "Yeah except the fact that I'm not blind anymore"

Nick looks shocked. I see him go in his pocket.

"Jug he has a gun" then I see Jug swing and Nick fall to the ground.

"Betty call the police" he says and grabs the gun out of his pocket.

"Okay" I grab my phone.

May 20, 2019 6:30 am

I wake up cold. I look around and see that we're at Veronica's. On her couch. I look down and see that I'm partially laying on jug and that the blankets are bunched at our feet.

I sit up grab the blankets and wrap them around up and fall back asleep.

May 20, 2019 9:36 am

I wake up again to talking and the tv on.

"Mommy Auntie Betty's awake" Victoria says. Then I feel Jughead lay on me.

"Juggie" I groan.

"Good morning baby" he smiles and kisses me.

"Good morning why are we at Veronica's"

"Because you were asleep and Veronica's house was closer" he says.

"But finally your stalker is behind bars" Veronica says and Jughead sits up.

"Yeah finally" I smile.

"When is breakfast gonna be ready? You keep talking" Victoria says.

"In a minute babe. She's like raising myself" Ronnie sighs and goes back cooking.

"When do you wanna go back home and finish what you started" he says and pokes my side.

"You mean what you started?" I say.

"No I'm pretty sure you kissed me"

"Nope you kissed my neck first" I say.

"Damn it you're right"

"I know and after breakfast" I say and he nods.

861 words

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