Chapter 25- Jug Come On Let's Go Home

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May 10, 2019 9:34 pm
Jughead POV

"Dude maybe you should just get the surgery" Fangs says.

"You guys too" I say.

"Look Jug the worst thing that could happen is not being able to see. But at least you tried." Sweet pea says.

"Yeah and Betty is most likely gonna forgive you. So just do it. And if it doesn't work jug we'll all be here to help you feel better." Fangs says.

"Fine I'll think about it" I say and then my Phone rings.

"Betty heart emoji" my phone says.

"Hello Betty" I say

"Jug" she says breathlessly.

"Hey you okay?"

"He shot me Jug" she sobs.

"Who shot you? Where are you?" I ask and stand up.

"N-Nick...I'm at my apartment. Can you get—here... please" she says and I hear the phone fall.

"Betty....Betty!" I yell.

"Jug what happened?" Fangs asks.

"Betty got shot she's at her apartment we have to go.

"No Jug I'll go with Fp you and fangs meet us at the hospital. Fp!" I hear Sweet Pea yell. I feel like all the air has been sucked out of my lungs. I fall to the ground and sob.

"It's going to be okay but you gotta breath." Fangs says.

"Yeah...No shit" I say and take a deep breath.

"How do you know she's gonna be okay? She didn't sound okay on the phone." I say.

"Okay how about...How about we get our shoes on and go to the hospital" he says.

"Okay" he helps me stand up.

May 10, 2019 9:48 pm

"This is her apartment?" I ask.

"Yeah" Sweet Pea says and I open the door. I see Betty laying on the floor looking lifeless.

"Betty..." we walk over to her her eyes aren't fully open.

"Fp" she whispers.

"Hey were gonna get out of here okay" I say pick her up gently.

"Ow" she screams and grabs on to my shirt.

"I'm sorry, come on sweet pea" I say and we walk down stairs. The rest of the officers walk in.

"Hey which room" one of the officers.

"22 B second floor" Sweet Pea says.

"Kay thanks." And they go upstairs.

"Sweet pea open the door." I say. Once he does,  I get into the back seat of the car with Betty.

"I'm driving?" He asks.

"Yeah just drive" I say. Along the way Betty hold on my shirt loosen.

"Sweet pea drive faster and put on the sirens." I say and we get to the hospital.

We get out of the car and carry her into the hospital. They put her on a bed and take her to a room.

"Hey Fp" Fangs says as he walks in with Jughead.

"Did you guys call Hal?" I ask.

"No" Jughead says.

"Alright I'll call him" I say and walk to a corner.

May 10, 2017 11:30 pm
Jughead POV

Betty just got out of surgery. Hal is in the room with her. Betty got shot twice. One in her upper chest by her right lung and the other in her lower abdomen. Everyone is here now, except Mia and her sisters.

"Jug come on lets go home" My dad says.

"No dad, I'm not leaving until I get to see betty." I say.

"Jug we know that's not possible. Betty's not even awake yet okay well come back tomorrow" He says.

"Wait you saw her?" I ask.

"Yeah she's fine Jug, come on lets go home. Get some rest" He says.

"Fine" I say and stand up.

577 words

Okay so my dads at work right now. So I stole it back. Hopefully he doesn't realize my brother took his back so I should be fine. Fingers crossed 🤞. If you don't here from me you know why.

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