Chapter 2- So It Wasn't The Pizza

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October 2, 2016    1:37 am
Jughead POV

"Archie watch out!" I scream.

"Jughead!" I sit up.

"Jughead you're okay. You're here in your bed." I hear Toni say.

"What? Where's dad?" I ask.

"He's at the bar" Toni says.

"I need to take a shower" I say.

"Okay I'll help you" She says and helps me to the bathroom.

"Is Cheryl here?" I ask her.

"Yes she is" Toni says.

"Tell her I said I'm sorry" I say.

"No need to apologize Jughead it's okay" Cheryl says.

"Thanks" I say. Toni sits me down on toilet and turns shower on.

"Okay you're wash cloth is on rack"

"I know Toni thanks" I say.

"Okay I'll be back with your clothes" she says and I hear her leave the room.

October 2, 2016      12:23 pm

"Happy birthday!" I open my eyes.

"Good morning" I yawn and stretch.

"Happy birthday Jug" I hear Jellybean say.

"Jellybean?" I ask and sit up.

"Yeah I'm here." She says.

"Seriously?" I ask.

"Yep" she laughs.

"Come here" I and open my arms. And she hugs me.

"I missed you" I say and kiss her hair.

"Missed you too" she says.

"Don't you have school though" I say when we pull away.

"Yeah but I asked all my teachers for my work so I can come a see my brother for 3 days" she says.

"When did you get here" I ask.

"Last night, well this morning dad picked me up from the airport" she says.

"Toni said you were at the bar yesterday dad" I say.

"Yeah she told me you had another dream. Are you taking your medication" dad asks. I stay silent.

"Jug come on how many time do we have to tell you" he says.

"I know but I don't want to take medicine that forces me to sleep" I say.

"Well they help don't they" he says.

"Yes" I mumble.

"So take them. Do I have to watch  you again?" He asks.

"No" I say.

"Now let's go eat breakfast before your doctors appointments." My dad says

October 2, 2016      3:32 pm

"Hello Forsythe"I hear my nurse say.

"Hey" I say.

"Happy birthday" she says.

"Thanks" I say and smile a little.

"Are you doing anything for your birthday your 25 now" she asks.

"Uhh a couple of my friends are coming over we're gonna order pizza and hang out." I say.

"Okay...uhh I'll go talk to your doctor and then he'll come in here" she says and I hear her leave the room.

"So who's coming over exactly" my dad asks.

"Uhh Sweet Pea,Cheryl, Veronica, Archie and Fangs." I say.

"You guys better not make a mess" Dad says.

"How would I know" I say.

"Toni and jellybean will and you three will clean it" he says.

"So you're gonna make your three kids clean a mess even the blind one" I say.

"Even the blind one" dad says and I laugh.

"Good afternoon" Doctor Steven says.

"Good afternoon" my dad says.

"How have you been feeling Jughead" he says.

"Fine I guess" I say.

"Hmm that's weird" he says.

"What?" I ask.

"Nancy the nurse... she said that you're faking it. And when she shined the light in your eye you blinked." He says.

"Well everyone blinks" my dad says.

"Yeah she was just lying probably. You're still blind. Your pupils didn't dilate" he says.

"I knew that" I say

"So now for the questions the part you hate." He says and I groan.

October 2, 2016       5:30 pm

"I think that's the pizza" Toni says.

"Hopefully" I say.

"Hey wake up dude it's only 5 something" sweet pea says and hits my leg.

"Ow" I say and rub the spot he hit.

"Jug you act older than us when you're younger." Fangs says.

"Shut up" I say.

"Happy Birthday!" I hear Veronica scream.

"So it wasn't the pizza" I say and I hear Veronica scoff.

"No not the pizza." Toni says.

"I'm hungry" I groan.

"I know Jug your always hungry." Toni laughs.

"Uhh guys can we watch a movie" Veronica says and everyone gets quiet.

"Guys he can watch a movie." Jellybean says.

"What do you guys think I do all day sit in the dark. I listen to movies and tv shows like music" I say.

"Okay so what movie" Archie says.

738 words

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